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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Bugger i wanted a square one
  2. :o The only thing that points that to be 87 scale is the back of the jd, There is some super detail in there mate, i love looking at this
  3. Why is no one bagging the case version also? fair call its crud but the case version is most likely just as bad
  4. That bulldozer is the big scale guys, outback toys has it and says 1/16
  5. I know that the grabs dont open very far tho
  6. Scraping the bottom of the barrel now buy the looks of it
  7. ahh i see that every year, inlaws do there green feed like that, buggere of a job realy
  8. Ill have to hunt it out when im down in april i think
  9. i was meaning bout the one you are talking about now mate, Cheers Nick
  10. Can you get any more pics of the frame and the like pud? im keen to make one of these now
  11. I might have a crack on a jd tho, gota keep it kiwi dont we?
  12. Ok sort of makes sence thanks guys, so there was 52 sreies of every 51 made? Can i re badge a 5250 as a 5130 or to much diffrence?
  13. Hey guys ive tryed to find specs on both these tractors but havent had any luck, whats the diffrence as the both look the same to me Thanks for any help guys Cheers Nick
  14. I own a DB not a huge fan but there arnt enough runners around to scrap them mate, if you have the parts easy Do it, its alot harder for me over here as there arnt so many parts now, But keep them and do them expesicaly if they all run
  15. Jd fro the green theme and the fact it has both heads, But the guy i work with runs only green tractors but claas harvesting gear, choppers, mowers, rakes, Does the jd grass head fit on the claas? surely it must ???
  16. Cor mate, bit of kit in those paddocks mate, the claas dealer does love you dont he
  17. More pics mate, looks like a high lift set up ??
  18. From personal eperiance i have foud the 10 and 00 series Much beter than the 20, i my self much prefer PQ or PQ plus over the ivt, i found a cvx much easyer to learn and drive , i run a 6310, 6420, and 6920, the 69 has the power but the 6310 is the better of the lot i recon, Is it just me or do the 10s turn rings around the 20s?
  19. Wow that thing is wicked Nice job he did, shouldnt there be more legs tho?
  20. Wow they are nice, what brand mate ?
  21. Tls means : Tripple Link Suspension, hope that helps, its not as good as the fendt in the fact the operator cant adjust it I love the detail you are putting in to this model Moritz
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