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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Thanks mate, the flash box wouldnt work for me :'( She looks fine
  2. According to the page one pics they are both agri supers tho
  3. Um sorry to say FM but its 1/87 scale not 1/64 Cheers for the info on the rake and mowers richie
  4. im not sure on its model number, i just know its of a 165, marky do you hava any brochures?
  5. Ding Ding Ding we have a winner, Well that didnt last long Ill get the tractor pics up after work
  6. So here is one for the massey massive, what tractor is this loader off And yes i know exactly what tractor its off
  7. Nice rake, what sort of hitch is it on? Pma? need more pics if it is
  8. Wow love it mate, Those kibri kits can get tedious they are coll fun tho, i love them so much detail for the size, better than some 32 scale and alot of 16th Can i ask what make that rake is? and the mowers you are talking about? Cheers Nick
  9. looks sweet mate, we need some pics of the buckrake tractor tho, looks nice
  10. Tried to mole pough the farm today, got 1 full run done, after 10 share bolts decided its to hard
  11. She looks like shes sucking a lemon Fine looking machine tho even for a red thing
  12. WOW its so nice, love the detail, nice fleet Cant get much better
  13. Nice looking model, very well detailed, is it just me or doesnt the bonnet fit correctly and the front wheels are on a angle not straight?
  14. it looks good, i like it, but its every one to there own
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