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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. I just had a look and AVG went haywire, jamed the laptop up solid Avg said it was a Trogen Horse Virus Offensive word amended
  2. looks good jez, looks so good keep up the good work
  3. That barn looks super mate, Very nice work, Love the muddy tyre tracks also
  4. Not that i know off, we only have one sort of diesel over here mate, for trucks we have road user chargers and for tractors on the road we have time licences, Does that make sence?
  5. Ahh so its a no frills lexion
  6. I just had to go pull a car out of the ditch up the road with the tractor, Nice brand new ford fiesta, realy well done i thourght, she was doing a u-turn on the wet grass and it just slid in the ditch, looked realy funny, Typical women drivers, there was a tarseal drive directly opposite her :
  7. Nice pics mate, must have hurt taking so many pics of green things Love the pics and thanks for taking the time to chuck them up mate
  8. talking to ol this morrning and he said 17ton
  9. I just looked at my 936, 716, 412,409 and none of them have it on Kinda hard to see but its on the very top of thr FRONT mudguard/ fender The UH 818 has a very tiny sticker there but thats all
  10. the big one could be around 20 ton, one i used was and it had limed water in it for the weight Nice pics ol
  11. Top work by the master once again, Cheers for the pics nick
  12. Wow nice pics brian, love the detail you put in it
  13. Sorry, I didnt get any sleep either since i was doing silage, This is a REALY nice model, even has fendt on the top of the front fenders
  14. Here are the pics, they arnt to good, my phone takes better pics in natrual light I have 3 more when Photo bucket is working properly
  15. This could be the best siku tractor yet ill chuck some pics up later on
  16. Could be the same reason asd why my mate does, He didnt want a new one when he got the new choper, kill the old one 1st
  17. My phone ringing at 6 am can you tedder at 12 this avo please, Ment to be my sleep in today
  18. Wow love the new invisable paint work Will be nice to see the pics tho
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