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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. I know what you mean mate, starngely enough no we dont get those problems, we get those problems when we feed them daily ( only one or 2 calves a year) So far we havent had any yet thos year ,they just suck on one calves ears and they go all ******, We are giving shed calves milk, water and meal the outside calves are getting milk meal water and grass,
  2. Here is a link to the makers website http://www.stallion.co.nz/mobgrav.php The model we use is MG50lt, That one is slightly newer but still the same idea, Ill get some pics of the feeding tomorrow ofr you texas, Im in Manawatu In New Zealand , we have a good climate here and grow alot of grass year round here, Hope that info helps you mate
  3. Wow she is beuatfull, id love to see one in the flesh
  4. Here are a couple of pics i got of my mates workshop befroe my digi cam battries went flat, ill have more at some stage There are 2 8420 jds, 2x 8120 jds, 1x 8530, 1x7920, 3x Class jag choppers, 1x 6920, 2x claas disco tripple mowers and some wheels, So she is a huge work shop
  5. Sorry for the crap pic quality the pics are of my cell phone and sorry for the double up on the mob of 20 calves with 12 in the pic
  6. Ok guys here are some pics of the farm i work on, its 160ha not acres as i said eariler, we run 450 cows and have 100 replacement heifer calves Here are 40 of the calves in the padock after i feed them Looking to the small section of the main farm from the calve padock Where the cows walk into the milking shed The right side The start of the yard from the entence of the cow shed looking on the round yard heading to the rectangular yard Looking at the storage tanks for calve milk and the loading race for the truck The milking machine ( water ring vacum pump) and the milk cooler and wash tub The bulk milk tank for the factory milk ( big one) the small one is another calve milk tank and teh blue trailer is the 50 teat trailed calve feeder The high presure water tanks and the storage room ( far end) the office is on the close end of the pic) The milk cooler water is held in these tanks to wash the yard down The head bail gates left and right The small feed pad we have, it can hold 180ish cows The yard with the milking herd on it ( 350 cows currently) First cow comming into the shed The JD 2140 2wd we have at the moment ( ment to be getting a new case) The Giltrap 10 cuM silage wagon Another 20 calves out side End of the tour for now guys, ill get some more pics later for you if you want, We are just starting to get drainage done, Here is a pic of the truck tipping 14m3 in to the pile, his 6th load Hope i didnt bore you to much guys
  7. Looks good, smart convo mate, the rams arnt the wrong way around, its how most modern tractor loaders are now
  8. They look good mate, add a nice touch of life to the kit, simple but very effective, i raly like them
  9. \ That guy looks a lil lost doing a pretty good job? maybe hes new and needs pratice on the trimmer??
  10. We dont have a indoor system, our farm is 160 acres, avrage padock size is 3acres, we run a all grass based system using minamal silage imput, we use 10ha of turnips each year for summer feed, we have a 32 a side herring bone cow shed ( been re made in to a 44 ) What i was meaning about the simlaraity was the milking aera, Ill get some pics today for you bas
  11. Looks realy good mate, what is her main job? Shes on nice fat tyres
  12. Ive got all 3 of them tris, super lil modles but i want some in diecast so they can work
  13. Wow that tree looks the dogs, how long did it take roughly?
  14. Nice pics gav, how heavy is the weight box/block on the front links?
  15. Nice pics mate, any more info on the hymidra?
  16. Looking good toy farmer, keep up the good work mate, is the tipper trailer a convo or standard newray ?
  17. Kiwi6920

    Mf 399

    Welcome to the forum mate , nice pics even for red and grey,s we will soon get you on the green side And lil tip, any old blues get swarmed on VERY fast on here,
  18. Looks good mark, i was wondering how long it was going to take you to make it 4wd, stunning work again mate, You thourght of putting fat feet on fornt and back and doing a front/ side saddle tank and mounted sprayer?
  19. I like that alot also, guessing its 6m? That ztx is that a convo or does it have those fornt links standard?
  20. nice pics bas, looks fairly simlar set up to what i work in on a pasture based system
  21. cheers guys, only way to get a good dispaly is get a colector to do it they give me a 15% discount on any thing i buy. its worth it, The next ones i do can only have current siku stock in since they cant get Rc2 or Uh The display took me a bout 2hrs to set up and it took me around 8 hrs to cut all the grass of the astro turf bottom, the display is 2m long and 1.2 deep Ill get some more pics of the rest of it, I theamed it as JD Thanks again for the replys And marky..... If you want me to do a MF one send some over, i dont own any sorry
  22. The take the tractor and drill 40km away do 1 padock and come home, good in theroy, get the drill on the way, easy, have the harrows fall of on a bump , get to the run off, load up with the seed, get to the padock, have to set the drill up again Got 3 runs in to the padock, and noticed there was no chain on the seed box, it was on the ground, the drill wheel ( turns the cog to feed the seed) had gone flat, In turn the sand was been picked up of the wheel and jamming up the cog causing the chain to splay the joining link and chuckin the chain of, Had to drive 30 km again to get the trye pumped up , got back to the padock then had a beering colapese on me for the seed gearing, 5 hrs wasted nicely :
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