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Everything posted by dwain

  1. the drill looks amazing looking forward to when ever that comes out
  2. that a very impressive collection
  3. raining realy hard now but just been dull all day
  4. dwain

    Deutz X720

    the deutz dealer nearest me never have anything that big on show that looks prity big
  5. it is when you work with disabilities and something like that happens it makes the job worth while.it is hard to explain what i felt when he was on the horse
  6. as some of you know i am a ta (teaching assistant with children with disabilities downs,blind autistic etc)and today i whent horse riding with a young lad who dont like animals when ever we go on trips (which we do every week) to farms and zoo etc as soon as he see's a animal he flops to the floor till you take him back to the bus but to day it was just me and him after 10 minits he got his helmit on and we made our way to the paddock and i was getting a edgey cos i sort of new what he was going to do anyway we got to the paddock and stayed outside the fence so i said to him that we are here for horse riding and he cant site on the floor cos it is very very muddy. when we got inside the paddock i said to him do you want to stroke the horse he said no but after some time he did now this is a very big achievement for a child of his condition so was thinking can i be cheeky and get him on so they got some steps out and up he got i could not beleave my eyes he was up on the hore walking round.i cant beleave i am saying this but i could of cryed.when we got back to school i had the teacher and the head saying what a asset i am.so my day has been the best day for years.sorry for the essay :D
  7. sorry :D never seen a model of a lettuce rig before i use to work on the back of one as a kid and never seen a model of on thats why i am getting a bit excited :D
  8. you should have conveyer eather side and then people box them on the rear. the winner
  9. dull al day,very windy wih some showers
  10. i am not telling him nawt i will tell him when i have it in my hands too can play at his game :D :D
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