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Everything posted by super6

  1. Another one I missed first time round Great web site, good post 4055, I had not realised that Britains made so many LR's Andy can you show the LR from slightly above and with a darker background as the canopy merges with the white background?
  2. Were you only allowed to play with them on high days and holidays and only under adult supervision? Nice to see them all with their own cabs and exhausts.
  3. Caveat emptor if you buy second hand. Heard a storey of someone who bought two. He had the serial numbers checked out and they appeared to be legit machines, upshot of this was that they were stolen, from others, and, eventually, recovered from him. He lost out big time, no machines and no money. Rumour has it so did the seller...............
  4. See what you mean, is it in colour on the large boxes?
  5. I believe this is the one you referred to. Size is 16.5" x 23.25" for the whole poster. There have been quite a few of these on eBay.
  6. Pretty sure this was available as a poster, will dig one out and measure/photograph it for you if memory serves me well
  7. Thought I'd add a bit to this. 496 pages, 1450 photographs, covering all the models released by Britains in North America and Europe all for the bargain price of£29.99! Can be ordered from Old Pond publishing now for July delivery. If you have the first two, that's as many pages as both together
  8. Like those a lot. Is the blue one with red wheels on pressed tin ones or smooth rubber tyres? difficult to tell from photograph. I have an example of the 6 wheeler with tin wheels in blue, unfortunately a previous owner took a brush to it and repainted the blue and black, then stuck a paper Davis Estates sign on the side. Still it gives me a tin 6 wheeler until a better one comes along.
  9. I may be wrong here but thought that these were by/for Brian Norman and did not come with a labeled box of any kind or certificate
  10. I've made a right old dogs dinner of these colours .....................I think I have it now
  11. My copy is of pages 6 and 7. Month and year ? are they as yours?
  12. Give you that one, I meant,and should have put 9505............................ : duhhhhhhhh
  13. Have to disagree with you there ploughmaster as this item is shown in the 1964 A5 leaflet, deleted at end of as not in the new customer catalogue for 1965. Although in Regiments of all nations it is listed as 1948-63............................hmmmm Later versions used plastic wheel/tyre combination and possibly horse/pony, not sure here, would be listed on a 9502 box end flap as "WITH PLASTIC HORSE" This seems to be the most plausible explanation, I have never even seen one in the duck and egg box. Have you one? At crossed purposes here ploughmaster, I presume you mean 9509 Okay, another one for you............Has anyone got a BOXED four wheeled wagon with the legend "WITH PLASTIC HORSES" on the box? I will be asking for a picture, if yes
  14. I'd never heard of the white sheep, more to seek out along with the lead mould pig with open mouth or not, smoothe plastic versions and colour variations. I 've not seen any of the 6000 series sets either Have a brown (RED) calf laying down and seen, some of, the other calves in a small photograph from Jonathan Stephens. Aside from the fact that it would be ripped apart to get at the contents Even the trade packs/boxes are difficult to find Next book...............yes please Right a question, has anyone seen the farm cart 9502 with rubber tyres in a farm range box similar to those shown on pages 61 and 62 or did it share the same box as 9500?
  15. There are always going to be other variations, seeing as they were all hand painted. I have a few myself, never say never. Well worth the money I thought, with some cracking pictures. I have never seen, or heard off, the triangular boxes before and did not expect to ever see the small live stock buildings in the bubble packs. I did signed on a sticky label with (my) written name, printed inscription and date and stuck on to title page. Have bought from Barney a few times and seen some of his collection, did not know it was that extensive though. As noted by Lady F a very nice, and knowledgeable, person.
  16. Have to agree with everyone else here, mainly colour variations. The animal trailer has turned up quite a few times on eBay of late, in various states of repair. This could be a contender, the original High sided tipper cart. Scroll down about half way http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=20765.0
  17. Well said powerrabbit, little louder please Not disputing that, but may have been inserted by seller As I mentioned earlier he is a pre war figure only, but could have been fished out from the bottom of a box and inserted!!! Tractors issued with driver. Page taken from 1952 trade catalogue
  18. I would say so, but looks okay Did it come with the tractor and is it boxed?
  19. Have to correct you there BC, that is no. 554 Farmers Son sitting and is a pre war issue only. His right arm is bent at about 90 degrees whereas the tractor drivers is only slightly bent also he is wearing a waistcoat and his left arm is resting across his leg. This is the tractor driver or to be stictly correct No. 560 Farm Hand, sitting, for driving farm machine (from 1952 catalogue) First issued for use with the farm rake Colour variation, this seems to be the most common colour
  20. I asked this when buying some and was told that they were fuel tanks!
  21. Hows the ploughing going BC? Another book you may like to consider is Tractor Ploughing by JC Hawkins, a MAFF/HMSO publication. Covers trailed, mounted and reversible ploughs in the edition I have, third impression 1971 of the fourth edition 1962. First published in 1940, so early editions may only cover trailer ploughs. Via Abe books. Couple of pics
  22. This was yesterday, on the M25. The motorway passes under a railway bridge and some bright spark has written, in 2' high letters, GIVE PEAS A CHANCE.
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