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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. Finding out that my hot water cylinder has a leak, symptoms revealed by part of my bathroom ceiling collapsing into a mush in the shower tray, It is at the moment (touch wood) only a very slight leak but ringing around the various local stores/suppliers was told that they no longer have them 'off the shelf' you have to order one and they have to be made, this they told me would take 10 to 14 days, something to do with new 'regulations'. I'm having one made from stainless steel as the water here is fairly acid and eats copper.
  2. Depends on what you want for referencing I guess but the better publication that includes all manufacturers and some unknown, catalogue numbers, dates, variants, rarity and all with coloured photos is the book by Norman Joplin titled 'The Great Book of Hollow-Cast Figures'. A big thick heavy paperback format book that in my own opinion if far better value for your money which can be found substantially cheaper.
  3. Take a photo of the pothole and the damage it did to your bike and claim it off the Council.
  4. I would add that if you were importing commercially then you would have to pay import duty and taxes plus any shipping fees but if you were buying in for your own private collection in low volume then you would probably only pay ordinary air freight postal costs. In either case the supplier or seller you are buying from should offer you insurance, ask when you buy or order if insurance is included or not. As for taxes and duty, I would contact your duty office to find out exactly where you stand.
  5. Pitty the other one had the damage Bill but the price reflected that, it would have gone for a lot more otherwise I suspect, I'm sure that one will turn up at some time, they say that everything comes to he who waits. I had their spring 2012 catalogue the other day in the post listing their event days and the venue that is closest to me is the one at Kentisbeare village hall 14th April. Kentisbeare is quite close to me, just North of Okehamton, about 40 minutes, roughly 25 miles or so from me, I'll have to go sometime. They do attend the Devon County Show as well now of which the show site is only 20 minutes away.
  6. First Cut is the one I'm still looking for Bill to complete the David Brown collection, missed one first time around, went back to the shop a week after I'd found the cash to buy it and the shop was gone!
  7. Table charge not too bad then, much as it was previous, even better if 2 get together and share, me and a mate used to do that a few years ago until he gave up his model interest. I always get there earlier and go in as a 'helper assistant' so don't pay entry.
  8. Clear and sunny down here this morning with quite a heavy white frost but with the sun up temperature is rising nicely although still pretty chilly.
  9. There are a few valuation sites if you google 'vehicle registration values' that will give you a rough estimate of its worth, you type in the registration and wait a second for the answer. I think that there are links on the site to those that buy and sell registrations and the DVLA site will give you more info on how you go about it and the legalities. Be wary though of the fact that there may be some hidden things such as commission and other fees but if you are seriously considering selling it, get an accurate valuation by asking or searching around as some 'dealers' could be like these 'sell your gold' cowboy firms that advertise on tv, give you around a tenth of what it's actually worth.
  10. Says nothing about public entry price or table hire price on their site.
  11. If the images are pasted from Photobucket Chris, stick with it. Mind you, your camera is good, nice clear sharp pics, credit to you mate.
  12. Well Nathan, they'll have two choices, charge high prices, sell nothing, charge reasonable prices, sell stuff. Will be interesting to know how much the buying public entry charge will be.
  13. Overcast and very dull and cold with temperature not rising to above +5.7C here today.
  14. That is good news indeed Nathan, as long as the dealers don't hike their prices too much to try and cover their backs, in the current economic climate they're going to have to be realistic and realise that. I know they have to make a living but so do we and our disposable income is very tight down here as you know, vicious circle, venu over charge for dealers, dealers over charge punters, punters don't spend, end of event. Went to the antiques fair there end of last month, 2 day fair, one dealer I got talking to said he was charged £600 for his pitch in the hall, about a table and a half size wise and with his travel, fuel and accomodation costs he reckoned he wouldn't get much change from a grand.
  15. The Fiesta registration is probably worth more that the vehicle and if you put a decimal point between the 5's the hp would be about right! My latest purchase was a nice complete and as new astronomical refractor telescope in my local charity shop for £19.50 just had to have it at that price. Won't be looking at the stars here tonight though, grey overcast sky.
  16. Did not laugh but gave me a chuckle, went shoping today and picked up a small folded brownish coloured paper, closer but discreet further inspection revealed the Queens head and the number ten, that's my Easter egg sorted!
  17. powerrabbit

    The Snow Topic

    According to the forecast and the TV weathermen the snow is moving South into the lower Midlands and Wales. Still colder here than it was but here it's going to warm up a little for the Easter weekend and be dry and sunny so anyone on holiday this Easter weekend head for Devon and Cornwall, a warm welcome and lots of pasties and cream teas awaits you. Yesterday as the day wore on we had several moderately heavy showers of rain but it's still very dry, we've had no rain now for almost 2 months and no significant rainfall all winter but our water supplies seem to be holding up very well and the local reservoirs a short walk from me are pretty full but the rivers and streams are very very low and slow running but if we don't get any significant rainfall before the end of May things could get serious both for the water supply and crops. 'Save water, bath with a friend'.
  18. powerrabbit

    The Snow Topic

    They are banging on about the temperatures on TV, Scotland last week recorded an all time record of 29C for March and look at it now, down 27 degrees, well, it is Easter week and the blackthorn is starting to come into flower so it's bound to be cold. We've had 2 days of ealy morning frost down here after a hot week, last Sunday the temperature got up to 27.9C and this Sunday just gone it did not rise above 7C.
  19. From scant memory, didn't some of the Ertl JD 1:16 tractors have this type of exhaust? The bonnet had on some an oval recess with the single hole where the exhaust 'plugged' in to make it appear that the exhaust was sat down into the bonnet.
  20. Britains Massey Ferguson 3680 from the 1980's and the other Britains MF models that used the same exhaust.
  21. Picked up the Britains MF 7480 today from Trago Mills, Newton Abbot, £13.65 not a bad price and looks like a reasonably detailed model.
  22. Attended the funeral of an elderly Aunt this afternoon, the last of my late Fathers Brothers and Sisters, he had 4 Sisters and 3 Brothers and athough it was under sad circumstances it was nice to spend a little time after the service to have a catch-up with 4 generations of Cousins, some of which I have not seen for over 10 years and a couple of the latest generation who I have never met. I think that it's important that we keep in contact with our family relations as time seems to pass so quickly and contact is soon lost and eventually none of us will know who we are anymore unless we make the effort to stay in touch, it's not that difficult nowadays with modern methods of communication no matter where in the World you are.
  23. They seem to have started stocking a few Britains again Nathan, there was a long period when they stopped having any but nice to see them back again and at a good price. Mole Valley Farmers seem to get them in a lot later, aroiund a year after first released.
  24. The prototype of G&M Originals latest model, David Brown 25D. It will be with me in the middle of the coming week.
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