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Everything posted by rabh7840

  1. rabh7840


    wonder you got a chance to talk to him he spends 99% of his time on the phone
  2. david brown 1690 4wd rolling when i was 8 ;) then a 7610 2wd superq and went on from there really
  3. really love what you have done with that martin the lights and rear end looks excellent
  4. unlucky i bet the contractor/farmer who owned it was cross
  5. rabh7840


    mighty sir thatll try the 6480 is it propert of BH?
  6. i have 1st edition one with the blue dealer box i would like that a-frame tho \
  7. ive 2 tm 155s to finish i cant be seen with anyting but blue
  8. im waiting on new machinery coming my way but would hope il have it in the next 4 weeks!
  9. its alll needed but pity theres a silage demo near me tonight which could be canceled \
  10. well done dan they look excellent i love the rocking bogie axels on you trailers
  11. good pictures the boy on the shovel is damn good in a silo
  12. its no on any more appatrently he got some weird looks headin down the road
  13. two fendts and butterflys...............nice 8)
  14. a britains claas jaguar 690 wuill provide you with header and spout
  15. too warm here i was sowing 2nd cut silage ground in ts110 with both doors open \
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