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Everything posted by SPN

  1. The new Britains Jag is probably in the same league as the Norscot model. Otherwise, the Marge NH is the one to have.
  2. How do those rear wheels compare to the rear wheels on the MF 188 and the wheels on the MF 1200? The fronts look like they have been lifted straight from the 390. Great to see the bonnet has been redone.
  3. "Quick, hide the Classic Tractor, Justin's coming"
  4. No problem in Fields in Skibbereen these last few months anyway. There was no problem in Healy's in Dunmanway over the Summer.
  5. I am resisting the temptation to buy a fleet of them, and trailers. So many trailers. ๐Ÿ˜‡
  6. It's really coming together now Sean. What are the 1:1 dimensions of the trailer you are modelling?
  7. I will happily take a pair of Ransomes grain trailers should you decide to go series production. Cracking job (as always)
  8. While I appreciate where you guys are coming from, and especially that farmers and rural communities need to be supported properly during the transition, there is no getting away from the science. The methane from one cow over one year does as much damage as burning 4,000 litres of diesel. We have a huge global problem that needs to be addressed, and as we all know, politicians can be the worst people to deliver the best solutions because they try to keep everyone happy instead of fixing the problem as quickly, effectively and cheaply as possible. Meat and dairy farmers, petrol/diesel powered car factory workers, coal miners, oil and gas workers, airplane manufacturers, and everybody else whose income depends on industries that cause excessive warming are going to have to change over the next ten years. And none of those people are going to be happy about it. Just look at Volkswagen, they want to transition to EVs but it costs them 3 times more to build an EV than it costs Tesla. The Chairman of the Board suggested that VW pivot rapidly to compete with Tesla but the Unions kicked up because it would mean huge job losses. He nearly lost his job over it. The good news is that there are solutions, and we can implement them quickly enough to prevent runaway warming, but it does mean huge changes for all of us. Anyone interested in reading up on the subject of solutions should have a look at www.drawdown.org
  9. Did you make the body rectangular or tapered Sean? Tipping trailers are always an inch or so wider at the back so the load runs free and doesn't get stuck. I remember someone building a rectangular one (1:1) when I was a nipper, and then finding out the hard way why bought ones had a taper.
  10. Some very nice models in your collection.
  11. I'd be interested to see how that plough sits on a Marge T7.315HD or similiar
  12. SPN

    Schuco 2022

    I remember when Britains thought it appropriate to release a (Ford!) repair van in JD livery. Now Schuco releasing repair men (or look, point and scratch head men going by the picture) in JD colours. Tells you all you need to know really. ๐Ÿ˜
  13. Some recent additions to the collection. The new ROS T7.270 Golden Jubilee, two 5 furrow conventional Kverneland ploughs and a pair of UH Dextas.
  14. SPN

    Ros 2021

    I only realised this weekend that these new T7s are completely new models, not a re-run of the previous model. Different wheels, different front linkage, the bonnet doesn't open, different cab, different (correct) offside steps and different rear three point linkage. The cab, interestingly, seems to model an opening front window, which I assume is a feature for the German market. I have the Golden Jubilee version, to go with a Britains Jubilee and an original ROS T7.270 converted to a Jubilee Funnily enough, the Britains model stands up well with the two ROS models.
  15. 45 minutes It's on the same railway line too, for those who don't bring their car. https://www.google.ie/maps/dir/''/Evenementenhal+Hardenberg,+Energieweg,+Hardenberg,+Netherlands/@52.4769015,5.3996325,9.28z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c7d8d3341b6803:0x20172cd43b8da6b7!2m2!1d6.080648!2d52.51134!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c8002d67233d4b:0xacd0e984c0a75d8f!2m2!1d6.6274123!2d52.558731!3e0
  16. It means that it slews. If you have ever met the Britains Morkeshing Department you will understand ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. The EU Commission is preparing draft legislation on this which is due to be published in the 3rd quarter of 2022. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/legislative-train/theme-a-european-green-deal/file-right-to-repair
  18. Funny, I only remember the PAVT wheels on 175s and 188s growing up.
  19. Excellent. One of my carpet farms has two 818s, an 820 and a 724 that need upgrading with Tier V replacements
  20. I am lucky to be an owner of one of James' Heath Bale Chaser kits, which remains unbuilt for now. Other highlights of the year have been the Marge Lexion 6800TT and the Replicagri MF188, which others have mentioned too. One I love that hasn't been mentioned already is the Marge T7.315HD in Terracotta. In 2022 I'm hoping we'll see ROS produce a Tier V T7.270 and Replicagri produce an MF175. I'm looking forward to getting the Marge New Holland SPFH and hoping we'll finally see the UH New Holland TX66 land. From Weise or Schuco, I'd love a Deutz DX85 2wd and a Fendt Farmer 311 2wd. Finally, I really hope I can get a model from County Durham this year. John knows the one I'm hoping for. Fingers crossed.
  21. Tillage farmers based out of County Meath, running Case/Steyr and John Deere fleet https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcXDjLXhwmn2Q0NGMCUPTnQ/videos
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