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fergie 699

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Everything posted by fergie 699

  1. hope to change all the Field layout and have more activity in the yard
  2. you miissed the point there seeing my mates ear behind the 4th person to the right in one of the pictures is not what i was saying or lookin for
  3. wood plastic and paint its all about how you put it together ;D ;D
  4. love the massey is that a 699 were did you get it
  5. buy it every month was told there would be a good write up about moira show pics and some information about back ground of the model show but instead we get vintage britians models come on rory give us more of model conversions workin displays stuff from the forum thats what we want to see all the old britains stuff is played out
  6. oh pure dung peter better quailty for october hopefully well pleased with 7740 full range for me
  7. cheers i think that 7740 is a one of check out the detail on it and how many models were used some would say freds has the gift when it comes to the finer detail no stone left uncovered
  8. some day i will carry it all down to the shed and get some pics
  9. yes painter sure is sure you can near tell great bonnets pdc
  10. cheers martin only problem is were the hell do you stop
  11. massey ferguson with loader at the silo
  12. yea saw dust no colour add i will use that for the maize
  13. cheers lad alot of detail in that shed well pleased with it
  14. cheers lads thanks for the help
  15. good to see your keepin a close eye on the big show TM190 maybe you might show your bake at the next big show in october ;D ;D ;D
  16. where could i get tyres suitable for putting on silo cover
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