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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Just had a look in the Crilley and Burkholder book and it does seem to be an Ertl model from 1965. The book goes on to say that there are decal variations, metal or plastic wheels, with or without front weight brackets. Some weight brackets are red whilst others are grey.
  2. That combine looks like it is wearing a sombrero ;D ;D ;D 50 hectare field wow :o :o mind you with a header that size it wouldn't take that long :
  3. It's a fascinating story and a well thought out answer to a specific problem, look forward to seeing the real build
  4. An Ertl John Deere 9420T precision, see "New models rate and review" ;) ;)
  5. Now on to the bits that I really do like ;) The bonnet hinges forwards and the engine detailing is second to none, I don't ever remember seeing any other model with as much engine detail as this one, there are pipes going everywhere and it must be a plumbers nightmare. The radiator is well represented as are the other main components such as the turbo and the alternator view from the left View from the right At the rear it is very much an American towing machine, there is no linkage but it has a swinging drawbar and realistic tow pin, it has a full hydraulic block with individual pipes going to the block and I particularly like the little warning decals at the side of the drawbar All in all I would give it 9.5/10 and, as they have been out of production for some time now it can only increase in value. I would say it is a must have for the dedicated John Deere collector
  6. Now I know that this is supposed to be for "New" models and the JD 9420T is an old one but I can't find anywhere on the forum that it has been reviewed before so I thought I would have a go ;) ;) The 9420T is an ERTL precision model in 1/32 scale and is one of the few that Ertl have done in this scale, the others are the 8400, 8340 and 8350, that in itself makes it collectable to me, most of their other models are in the American 1/16 scale. The model comes well packed and has a booklet about the real tractor and the gold medal showing it to be part of the Precision series Once it is unpacked it is a heavy metal model with a large amount of detailing, the left side has steps and a grab rail and the cab door opens showing a good amount of the interior. The lights are painted on and I would have preferred if they were either jewelled or at least clear plastic Similarly the right hand side has a meaty looking exhaust and air filter The view from the front is purposeful and shows it means business ;D
  7. G & M have got it in for £90, limited to 500 models, whilst the standard box is £49
  8. It has been mentioned a couple of times that these little diggers are a favourite prey of thieves and we get very few back UNLESS they have been fitted with some sort of tracking device. Whatever you decide to get please make sure it has a tracker on it, if it already has one then make sure you keep up the yearly payments to the tracking company, I have had a couple go missing and when we have contacted Tracker to boost the signal we have been told that the cover has expired or not been transferred to the new owner. \ \ \ \
  9. Went for a quote for a remortgage today and I can get it a whopping £175/month cheaper :o :o :o My little eyes were alight thinking of all the extra models I could get until I came home and told Mrs R \ \ \ she now wants the the front of the house painting and "don't even think about spending it on models" ??? ??? ??? ??? Bah!
  10. No sorry, Universal Hobbies already do them....... better ;) ;)
  11. I have found that when I highlight it I then have to right click and select copy, then paste that into the reply
  12. I think you missed the link off \ \ \ \ \ I can't see the description never mind the Fendt :
  13. It went as black as a witches cat and then the heavens opened, plenty of good thunder and lightening :o :o
  14. You beat me to that one Sean \ \ \ \ but I got the Wiking JD for the same price ;D ;D
  15. Sorry Bill [ [ I have to admit that I thought that the first item was for making scottish oat cookies but I didn't want to seem stupid if I got it wrong \ \ \ I hadn't a clue about the other chock thing :-X :-X
  16. You ought to post that in the "what fell off your car" thread ;D ;D ;D driver must have had a bit of a shock ;D
  17. Nice one Nick, you are getting a full fleet together, are you going for one of each marque?
  18. I emailed DBP last week to ask about availability and delivery times and I have heard nothing back :( how long ago did you order?
  19. Zetor Forterra in a dealer box from a member on here via Ebay, Tris you are right you will have to call me Sergeant Zetor now ;D ;D
  20. Yes it can, it comes with the choice of a weight block or an A frame Siku type adaptor
  21. Went over on my ankle whilst out walking last night........it has swelled up to the size of a tennis ball and I can't get shoes or boots on. This is going to look funny when I am back in work tomorrow ;D full uniform and Jesus sandals :D :D
  22. Its not just OSR it is any plant of the Cruciferae genus, all Brassicas are susceptible to club root and if they are grown too often there will be a build up of fungus in the soil and problems for many years to come. After time the fungus in the soil reduces to an acceptable level but one after years crop it will be back to high levels again
  23. I thought milk only came out of the bottom end :o :o ;D ;D ;D didn't know it came out of the other orifices as well : :
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