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Everything posted by robbo

  1. I would really like one of these new Wiking Fendts so I decided to ring the local Fendt dealer and see if I could order one......well the parts guy laughed out loud when I told him what I wanted \ \ \ He told me that as they were so limited then the depot bosses would snap them all up and there was no way that any would be available to be sold to members of the public ??? ??? ??? So I guess it is a case of "nice try......failed miserably"
  2. Here we go then David :D I have a Titan 190 and a Galaxy 170 which has double wheels, they are packed away too well in the loft and I can't find them. I have an Explorer crawler in 1/25 and I can't remember ever seeing another one like it The here is the Ferrari, I don't know much about it but it seems similar to the Holder cultitrac I do know it means that I can tell people that I own a Porsche, a Lamborghini and a Ferrari ;D
  3. I have got a couple of Sames in the 1/25 scale and also a Ferrari tractor, some of the early Ros ones are very plasticky but the later ones are much better. Next time I go in the loft I will see if I can find the Ferrari and take a photo of it just for curiosity value ;)
  4. Unfortunately Tris some of the details he is asking for aren't on the website. There is no mention of any entry fee? or of the time that the doors open? Will we be able to get dealer boxed models or just standard boxed ones? Never having been before I don't know the answers either \ \ \ \
  5. I have had a wet spot in the garden for some time that never drained properly so, as I had a day off I decided to dig down and see if I could do anything to improve matters. Got 2 spades deep and then ...clang.... hit something hard. Started to clear away and discovered it was concrete \ \ \ \ The I tried to find the edges and the hole just got bigger and bigger :o I eventually found that it was 3 feet across and about a foot deep. I then spent the next 2 hours doing the convict bit \ \ \ breaking rocks :-X So far I have managed to break up about 1/4 of it so I will be going to the local hire shop tomorrow to see if I can hire a breaker, the hammer and chisel isn't working too well \ \ \ \ \ Oh and if that isn't enough my back is killing me now ??? ??? ???
  6. Have to admit I am surprised to see a Badger sett in the open, they are usually tucked away in wooded areas. I have only ever seen one before in the open and that was in a permanent pasture not an arable field. Still tidy bit of work though and I hope the job works out :-X
  7. Thanks Andy, I await with bated breath ;) ;)
  8. Andy when I click on that link it is asking me for a user name and password but there is nowhere on the page to log in and create an account \ \ \ \ \ \
  9. needed a Deere to pull it out though ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D
  10. suit yourself mate, but I'm getting one of these ;) ;) ;)
  11. Nice photos Murray and a nice mixture of tractor colours.
  12. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Is anyone going to Sima can get me one of those........pleeeeease :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
  13. Not quite sure whether to be annoyed or frustrated at this \ \ \ \ \ I have both Gas and Electricity with Npower and the bills have been a bit steep recently.....so.......I decided to go onto one of these price comparison sites and see if I can get it any cheaper. So, I put in the supplier and the amounts that I am paying at the moment for each and the cheapest supplier is..................Npower who can save me over £400 per year ??? ??? ??? Now please tell me, how does that work > >
  14. OK I want one 8) 8) 8), beats a diesel Astra any day ;D ;D
  15. I think the Same Galaxy is the 1:25 scale one made by Ros, they come up from time to time on Ebay and tend to make about £10, its a bit plasticky and shortly after this Ros started to make much better diecast models. The Britains version in 1:32 scale seems to be more desirable and makes about £40 for a mint and boxed example. The Corgi 65's are the common type, there is a rarer version with a red seat and a plastic steering wheel
  16. Well if it is a German theme then I would be hoping for a Deutx 06 series, there were very few of those ever made except for the Gama ones and they fetch a fortune nowadays 8) 8)
  17. I was wondering if you were grabbing it's head to kiss it first though : : ;D ;D ;D
  18. :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X oh boy could I say something........but I am sure I would be in trouble with the mods : :
  19. A Ros Fiat Hitachi FD175 dozer, thought it was a bit unusual \ \ \
  20. Some of the first pre Force Fords retained the names from their predecessors, the 4000 was the Major and the 5000 was the Super Major. I am trying to decide if that one is fitted with a Selene front axle or whether it is a Roadless conversion, I can't tell from the photo :-X :-X
  21. The are are listed on the G & M website for £205 :o :o :o
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