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Everything posted by robbo

  1. They are great pictures keep them coming :) :)
  2. The tractor/engine was just for motive power, there was a pump back at the reservoir providing the water pressure
  3. Do you know if the dealer boxed version will be available at the online toy dealers, (G & M, Farmmodels, Top tractor etc) or only at Massey Ferguson tractor dealers?
  4. Thats the one I just couldn't spell it :D :D When I first went to Ag college there was a guy on the HND who had been moving the 10 metre metal pipes, to get it off the trailer you had to push down at one end, the result was that the other end went up into the air. He didn't look where the trailer was parked and as the pipe went up into the air it hit a power line :o :o He showed us his boots where the electricity had earthed, burned through and he was missing a number of toes :-X :-X :-X still makes me cringe now \ \ \ \
  5. Hi Kev My plan when I finish in the Force is to get a job driving tractors, at this rate you are going to be there and trained well before me :o :o Keep up the photos, its a lovely part of the country you live in.......dead jealous ;D ;D Mike
  6. We had a similar type machine, I think it was made by Wright Rain and was based around a 2 cylinder air cooled engine which was the same as used in the Citroen 2CV. It also had a french sounding name that I can't even begin to spell \ \ \
  7. The last few items I have bought from Ebay have required a signature when they are delivered, it's not just you having this problem it seems to be endemic at the moment \ \ \ \
  8. Yes mother and daughter are doing well no stitches or anything and they are talking of letting them home tonight, I'm due in work at 10 but I might have to have some time off ;) ;)
  9. next purchase required........ a digi camera ;) ;) ;) come on we are waiting \ \ \
  10. :) :) :) I am a grandad for the first time as of 7.08 this morning, :) :)
  11. Still too far for me Bill Warrington to Aberdeen.....354 miles \ \ \ \ \ \
  12. Thanks for getting them out and on show Bill ..... I have just re read that and it sounds quite rude, oh well never mind :D :D :D
  13. and Bob has just left the building :D :D
  14. Pudding just sent me this one 8) 8) How do you fancy Frankie as a Cabriolet 8) 8)
  15. I agree with this post, there are very few shops around me that actually stock Britains and they all seem to have the same stock list, JD7930, JCB Fastrack, and Ford 5000. Some also have the Land Rover and Ifor Williams horsebox but that is it. Is it because they are the best sellers or do Britains dictate what they can sell? Also I don't know anywhere in north Cheshire that stocks Siku or Universal Hobbies so I have to buy any models I want on line. That said, the on line shops that I have used have all been very good, it just adds to the price to have to include p&p :( :(
  16. Great pictures and welcome to the forum, keep the pics coming :D Just a suggestion but what about using the new MF8690 as the base for the Challenger tractor, they are nearly the same under the skin as far as I know
  17. Richard I for one enjoy your posts and photos, I don't often reply but that doesn't mean they are not appreciated ;) The pics of real kit on this forum save me from having to go elsewhere to get my "fix" of tractor porn even though the only farming I do is of the model variety Please keep posting robbo
  18. For all those of you who are International fans there is a forum in the USA called Red Power Magazine, the link was sent to me by Pudding and it is worth a look. Make sure you read through all the pages especially if you like photos of American style tractors, there are some great pics http://www.redpowermagazine.com/forums/index.php?s=da97e829c8828b9fff748efea1b9cb00&showtopic=41426&st=0
  19. I just love that Fiat, we had an 850DT and a 1000DT on the farm that I worked on in the late 70's so I would love a model of one, how can I get one?
  20. I have been after a SAME Galaxy in 1/32 for some time and good boxed examples always make about £40. Obviously unboxed and playworn models make less than that but most have the exhaust missing
  21. Just looking at those pictures and my wish list has grown longer and longer, some of the models that are for sale I have been after for some time and they are like Rocking Horse S**t, I am definitely making a date for the April show and I had better start saving up now \ \ \ \ \ \
  22. Try this Kev http://www.ploughmen.co.uk/ I try to go to the ploughing matches when they are in my area and I can get time off, they make it look easy \ \ \ \ \
  23. There is another similar operation just off the A74 that I pass when I am going to Stranraer on our summer golfing trip, I have always meant to stop and get photos but never got round to it yet \ \ \ \ \
  24. The blue Fendt is available on Farmmodels website for £37, so why would you pay twice that much for it ??? ??? ??? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fendt-936-Vario-limited-edition-2008_W0QQitemZ230293648754QQihZ013QQcategoryZ117196QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
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