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Everything posted by robbo

  1. That is one biiiiig Deutz, do you have any idea what model it is?
  2. Don't often post in this topic but today was a bit special, I have been to the National Police Memorial Service at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. There was an honour guard of Police horses on the approach to the Cathedral And then 2000 people inside including Prince Charles and the Home Secretary I have never been inside before, what an impressive building it is :o :o robbo
  3. That is an interesting way of numbering their tractors and it makes sense, I think.....
  4. Drove them both whilst I was still in the farming business. There is no doubt that the 500 series were quieter and apparently more comfortable., was it better? Well on paper yes, but in the field, sorry no not for me. I would most definitely go for the 100 series as they were better farmers tractors, easier to get in and out of and you got a better view of the rear mounted implement, you were more "in touch" with your work. I don't know if I am expressing myself very well \ \ \ but the 100 series were better balanced, I think it was because the seating position of the 500's was too far forward of the rear axle. No doubt others will disagree but this is just an opinion :-X robbo
  5. There are about 4 for sale on Ebay at the present time at least one of whom is a member on here, the problem is then that you are in a bidding war \ \ \ \ \ \ edit.... I have just searched "Massey Ferguson in Diecast and vehicles" and found 6 for sale :o
  6. Might have to see if I can get to this one, I am only about 5 miles away in Warrington :
  7. Thought you might like a comparison between the 515 and the new 824 They come with a choice of front weight or the A frame but I prefer them without ;) ;)
  8. You might have to explain this to our American visitors in case they get the wrong idea :P :P
  9. Great stuff Stefan and welcome to the forum robbo
  10. An arrogant git at a so called "helpline" for Westland Garden Products. I am quite anal about my grass and I spend a lot of time and money on the lawn, I also have an HND in Turfgrass Science so I know what I am talking about. Well, about 4 weeks ago I applied the said Westland Autumn feed and moss killer to the lawn and waited for the moss to die back so that I could scarify it out for the winter. Only problem was that it didn't die ......it grew and grew and grew. So I ring the help line and the conversation went along the lines of "the moss killer didn't work" "did you have rain after you applied it?" "well yes, it has been rather damp for the last 6 weeks or so" "oh, it will have washed out then you will have to reapply it" "it says on the box, if it doesn't rain within 3 days to water it in" "yes well it depends how much rain you get, you have obviously had too much" It became obvious that Westland are beyond reproach and it must all be either my fault for putting it on when it was about to rain for a week or more, or my fault for letting it rain in the first place Shan't be buying Westland again :( :( :( :(
  11. Well as promised by Rory the November issue has arrived on the doorstep and, how shall I put this......it is very er, RED, quick hide it from Marky, I'm not sure that he is quite recovered from the MF mag, he might need a week or two in a darkened room before he sees this one :D :D :D Note to Bill as well..... there is a section on Border Fine Arts pieces, how they are designed and built and the opportunity to win the latest one
  12. It will be interesting to see how you go about incorporating all that standing straw :o :o What sort of cultivation tackle have you got?
  13. There are several advert banners, pardon my ignorance but which one is yours? \ \ \ \ \ \
  14. Great pics as always keep them coming. I think that small spreader on the front will be for slug pellets not fertilizer
  15. It is one of my ambitions to visit the Zwolle show but unfortunately not this year \ \ \ \ What it the show model this year?
  16. When I look at conversions that are as good as this I wonder why the original model makers cannot do something anywhere near as good as this. I have got the original G240 and it is so bland that I have put it back in the box and consigned it to the loft as I don't have the skill to make anything of it \ \ \ \ Keep up the good work robbo
  17. Just managed to get one on Ebay, £48 and I think I got a bargain 8) 8) 8)
  18. Some great old tractors and I am surprised at how many failed to sell. I can only assume that the sellers put too high a reserve on but some of the prices seemed about spot on. I was particularly surprised at the Leyland 245 as that seemed to be a good price for what is effectively an MF 135 under the skin robbo
  19. I spoke to Geoff at Toptractor yesterday to pre order mine and he said that the first release will be the dealer boxed version and he is hoping to get a delivery of them next week. Some may already have been delivered to the dealers as well so you could possibly get one from there first.
  20. The seller is from Holland and not Britain \ \ \ \ \
  21. Now available on Ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDT-936-STEEL-BLUE-TRACTOR-LIMITED_W0QQitemZ150292444347QQihZ005QQcategoryZ45359QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  22. For those who can't wait it has appeared on Ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDT-824-FAVORIT-TRACTOR_W0QQitemZ150292445842QQihZ005QQcategoryZ223QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  23. Do you mean like this one?
  24. Have just been outside cutting the lawn and thought I heard thunder \ \ looked up to see a Vulcan bomber going overhead :o :o :o There must be an airshow somewhere in the North West this weekend
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