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Posts posted by robbo

  1. Just got back from the show and took over 70 photos, don't worry I won't post them all.....at least not all in one go anyway  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

    The theme for the show was Massey Ferguson (should keep 'is Lordship happy) but there were plenty of others there as well.

    I'll start with a couple of interior shots



    lineup of the MF 500 series


    and from the other side


  2. Bloody traffic copper dicked me for 30 quid for not wearing a seat belt today  >:( >:(>:(.

    Now I'm a law abiding citizen and respect the police, but crap like this is taking it a bit far  >:(.

    When the stereo was stolen out of our old Disco on the drive, they couldn't do a thing about it, and wouldn't even pay a visit to someone we strongly suspected of doing it and who had been visiting next door when it went missing, a known petty criminal  ???::).

    Robbing me for 30 quid for a 'motoring offence' is not going to save my or anyone else's life, nor will it help my brain remember to stick it on for a 1/4 mile journey when I have as much going on as I do at the moment. It's just lazy policing and greedy lining of the civil coffers  >:(.

    Yet another reason why the general British public are disillusioned with the government and public services it provides. They should blow less tax pounds on fancy Volvo V70R's and cretins to cruise around on fuel at £1.25 / litre eyeballing the general public for such ridiculous oversights and think a bit more about hitting gun, drug and violent crime a bit harder. The cash spent on those two and their car would probably go a long way toward the overtime to cover 3 or 4 bobbies to keep Friday nights under control....

    Apologies to all the hardworking sensible coppers out there, the many have it spoiled by the few who think they're Starsky and Hutch and have git-sticks rammed up their ar*es...

    aahh so where do I start

    Yes actually wearing a seat belt IS going to save your life one day, just how safe do you think Britains roads would be if there was no traffic legislation and no Police to enforce it?

    Which laws of this country do you think that you should be able to observe and which ones do you think that you should be able to ignore, the seat belt law? the theft act? the law against Murder perhaps??

    Which ones do you think that the Police should enforce, just the ones that make them popular?

    It is the same with whatever job you do, should you just do the bits of your job that other people think are needed or are there things that they might not know about that are just as important

    When your car gets stolen and the offenders make off in it do you think that the Police should chase them in their zero emissions electric car or maybe a Volvo T5 that can do the speed needed to apprehend them.

    I have posted before on the emphasis given to roads policing versus crime, you might not see all the Police officers in plain clothes looking for burglars, robbers, drug dealers and all the other detritus of society but they outnumber the Traffic officers by more than 5 to 1

    Mike Robinson

    Cheshire Police

  3. Sorry to hijack your thread Andy but I have been given a plastic David Brown Case tractor and I was wondering if anyone could say who made it?

    There doesn't appear to be any makers name or other markings other that the DB decal, there is no model number but I would suggest it is closest to a 1694 or similar





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