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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Joe, you can get the Virtus 120 at various places at a reasonable price at the moment, probably around £30. If you want the Virtus 140 then expect to pay more than double that. I have no idea why the prices vary so much or why the 140 is more desirable that the 120 version
  2. Decided to put my house on the market, not intending to move very far, probably around 200 metres if it all goes to plan however, that does mean that not only do I have to empty the loft but I also then have to pack away every model that I have out on show. That is going to take quite a while in itself. The ones that screw into the base are quite easy but the ones that are held in place with that silly wire are far more difficult so not looking forward to that.
  3. It would appear that the Government have backtracked on the use of rebated diesel for ploughing matches and road runs. The price is probably still going to go up because of the current World situation but at least not as much as white. https://www.farminguk.com/news/hmrc-backtracks-on-red-diesel-ban-for-ploughing-matches_59937.html?fbclid=IwAR1wnQjFgPGEu79Rl5x-M0bvKoY0XcUZN3pjKc84C33AQExqI2-8YUU6dRY
  4. Another arrival to add to the rare and unusual SAME models (that nobody else wants). In all my years of collecting SAME models I have only ever seen 1 other of these and that was a really tatty model in an auction that I didn't see until the bidding had ended. This one is unboxed but in mint condition. A Verve Same Panther 90 in plastic, very light with no metal parts but I had to have it, you know what it's like.
  5. Had to go back on google maps to have a look, it is opposite a pub called The Tatham Bridge Inn and closest village is Wennington
  6. Had to go to a village in central Lancashire last week and saw this one displayed outside a pub, can't remember the name of the pub but I suspect that The Valley Axeman will know it
  7. These aren't the droids you are looking for Obiwankinobi 😁😁
  8. Some people on here might know that in a previous incarnation I was in the Police so I do still keep an eye on the comings and goings of my local force, Cheshire, especially their rural crime team. Recently they have had some success and circulated some alleged offenders as wanted after thefts of tractor GPS systems, the offenders were later arrested in Suffolk. However, they have now added the following post on social media showing that these types of theft are still ongoing. If you see of hear anything suspicious then please let your local force know, if for some reason you do not want to speak to the Police directly then let me know and I will pass it on. ALERT: GPS Thefts Unfortunately after all the work the team and other forces have done to apprehend one of the suspects for the GPS thefts, there has been a theft of more GPS systems here in Cheshire. Overnight in the Clotton area of Cheshire a farm was targeted. Officers have been out to the scene and the investigation has begun. Sadly this shows, as we have mentioned on our previous posts, that there is more than one group out stealing these items, so everyone must remain vigilant. Previously we have conducted warrants in Merseyside and the latest arrest was from down South. We are doing all we can to prevent and detect these crimes but sometimes it can take time to find those responsible. We need your help. Think about security, make it as difficult as you can by layering your security which not only prevents items being taken but assists in them being seen. Please report suspicious activity via our on-line form, 101, or speak to your local PSCO at their surgeries if you have any concerns. If it's a crime happening there and then it's 999 PC Marson
  9. Fantastic, now to make the arrangements
  10. Annoyingly there was one advertised on Facebook around 5 days later for a lot less than I paid, including postage, ah well, I have got it now.
  11. robbo

    Ros 2022

    These models have been "coming soon" since 2019 so I have almost given up hope of them ever arriving. I actually ordered these from Toys Planet in September 2020 and they are yet to appear
  12. I have had a couple of these happen to me, usually when the starting price it low and the price is not going up as much as the seller wants or, they have had an offer to buy it outright even though it is not listed as Buy it Now. The seller cannot end the listing by saying he is selling it elsewhere but, they can say that it is faulty so that is what they do. Sharp practice and really frustrating at times. Had one last year where I know that the seller ended the listing because they accepted an offer of £90, I would have been prepared to bid well into 3 figures for the model so although I lost out, so did the seller.
  13. I have left this post up for the information of interested parties however, we do not want this to become a slanging match about any person or business so the post is locked and will not allow replies Thanks
  14. I got the 2640 and 2680 at Zwolle in 2019 and been looking for this one since then. It came up in the recent M&M auction so had to have a bid, paid more than I had intended but not as much as the others made
  15. Been a long time coming but I will be making the trip
  16. A question for the Ford/County fans out there. I have been asked by the person who has The County Register, Jim Fisher, to see if anyone knows the original registration number of one of the 2 1884's that were supplied to Wallasea Farms in Essex in the mid 1980's by Ernest Doe. Unfortunately, Doe's do not have records left going back that far showing the original reg number on the tractor. One of them is AEV733X but the other is believed to have been a "Y" registration. The tractor in question was later sold abroad and then, around 10 years ago, was brought back into the UK and is now on a farm near Aberdeen. Unfortunately, at that time, the original reg had been lost and it was given a Q plate. Jim is keen to try to find the original number for his records. The tractor in question is the one at the back of the black and white photo
  17. Not many, I also won something on the recent M&M auction that I am going to have to smuggle into the house
  18. Thanks Joe, I can see that you have asked the question on that page. I have also asked on the Belarus UK page as well
  19. I like them, do you know if they are going to go on general release?
  20. robbo

    Schuco 2022

    Atte, a year or so ago Schuco stated that they would be producing the Same Dinosaur in the Pro series, is that still happening or has it been shelved?
  21. robbo

    Schuco 2022

    Brilliant thanks Atte, will look forward to them but I hope they are better than the Hercules/Lambo versions they did
  22. robbo

    Schuco 2022

    Schuco have announced that they will be releasing 27 new models in 1/32 scale during 2022, 9 of which will be in their Pro.R32 series resin models. The first 2 of these are the Case 956X and John Deere 8400. Obviously these images are from stock and not the actual product but you get the idea
  23. I agree with you there, two shows competing would not be good for the collector who would have to decide to go to either one or the other. That would lead to a reduced footfall entering through the door and quite possibly making them both uneconomic. I really hope that common sense prevails and they work together.
  24. Interesting video, does anyone know what happened afterwards with the Nebraska State Law? The video is dated 2018 so it may have moved on there there
  25. In 2021 the Hardenberg show was held at the beginning of December however, they have announced a date for 2022 of 16th and 17th April. That makes me wonder if they have moved it to spring to avoid a conflict with the LCN Club show, (Zwolle), that is normally the third weekend in November. Are any of our Dutch members able to confirm this?
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