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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Definitely been out of the box, Britains do not put a strap like that across the bonnet to secure it, sorry Cyril
  2. I have the limited edition Fordson Super Dexta on order and I have just received the below from Ingrid Poppema Dear sir / Madam, Thank you for ordering the Fordson (Super) Dexta (in combination with the Miedema agricultural trailer) and/or the MF set. Unfortunately we have to inform you that the boat that also contains the container with our models is now blocked in Indonesia and that there is even more delay in the delivery of these models. The current expectation is that the boat will arrive in the Netherlands on September 29 and that we can start sending all pre-orders at the beginning of October. However, we cannot guarantee this date, we are not in control at the moment. We understand that this is a huge disappointment, we would have loved to see it differently ourselves, but that is not possible now. Thank you very much for your understanding and trust, With best regards, Herman and Ingrid Poppema Poppema landbouwminiaturen
  3. robbo

    Ros 2021

    It has been a long time coming but hopefully patience is going to pay off. The Same Laser and associated models are now showing as available on the Toys Planet site https://www.toys-planet.it/en/agricultural-models-132/ros/ros-toys-planet-same-laser-130-ros I ordered mine on 29th August last year when they were first advertised so it has been a long time coming. I wonder if they were among the containers stranded in the Suez Canal? Edit: I have emailed Toys Planet and they have replied to say that the models can be ordered today and delivery is expected by Christmas, a little more patience is still required
  4. You had a "sense of humour failure", hmm, wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that, I know what you can get like when you have a strop 😄
  5. Definitely quite rare Joe, I sold a dealer boxed version at Zwolle for €70 but I have seen them go for more than that, not sure that the Country box makes quite as much but still a nice buy
  6. Save some cash for November 22, hopefully the LCN show will be back on
  7. Quite possible Joe, at least there is some light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is still some way off. Unlike the Laser versions from Ros, they are still just a mirage on the horizon somewhere
  8. I am waiting for the release of the Samecar models that were originally promised by Q1 of 2021. Obviously that got put back by circumstances beyond their control but, I have been advised today that the models will be released from the factory on 17th July and after that they will be shipped out. The original idea was that they could be collected at shows but, they are now happening this year either so the sellers are having to come up with postage options, not ideal for a fragile model but there is no other way of doing it.
  9. Latest Country Artists piece arrived today, I now have 3 versions of this tractor, one with plough, one without and one in pewter
  10. I really don't know where some people dream up their prices. Two listings for an identical Yaxon Same Galaxy in 1/43 scale (some say 1/41 but who's counting) One in mint condition and with a box £60. The other is damaged and without a box £144.....................eh what? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313568431692?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304007910794?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 I would have said that the first one at £60 was near to the top of the reasonable range £40-60, the other is just pie in the sky
  11. It's looking like the Dexta model will be available soon, Poppemaminituren are saying that they should be in stock shortly
  12. I now have 5 versions of the Same Hercules, 3 by FM Modelbau, one by Miniagripassion and one by Schuco. The other 2 are the gold one and also a 1987 version that none of the others have attempted which has a brown chassis and white wheels, (back right in the photos) The FM Modelbau one is the most detailed and the cab appears to be in proportion whereas the others have a more chunky cab and the exhaust is too big. The Schuco version is also missing the SAME logo on the front hubs. The only thing I don't like about the FM Modelbau version is that the decals are in capitals rather than italics, I have never personally seen one with these decals except in photos and they do seem to be a rare version
  13. The seller was called Marketoy and I have used them several times in the past. The price on ebay included the taxes and it was comparable with buying from a UK seller even when taking the postage fees into account
  14. When the SDF Hercules and other variants were announced by Schuco I put in an order with Marcus Selten at Farmmodels.nl for all of them, however, along came Brexit and Covid and he contacted me to say that they did not get them in stock and did not know when they would be getting them. He then refunded me the amount that I had paid up front which I thought was very decent of him rather than asking me to wait. I then saw some of the comments from others about the difference and quality of the Schuco versions when compared to others from FM Modelbau and I started to hesitate about whether to get them or not. Eventually, (last week), I decided to take the plunge and ordered the Same Hercules standard version from a French seller on Ebay as all of the UK sellers had now sold out. 2 days after ordering the Hercules I got an email from Marcus Selten to say that they now had the full range back in stock and would I like to re-order. I have thanked him but I will wait to see the others in the flesh before I make up my mind. Having said that, I will not be getting the Gold Hercules as it is completely wrong but I might consider the Lamborghini and Hurlimann versions at some stage. Then yesterday, only a week after I ordered it, the Hercules turned up from the French seller, really good service and I would use him again. At some stage, when I have more time, I will get all of the versions out side by side and do a comparison.
  15. Nearly 3 months since anyone posted in this topic, what a miserable bunch we are 😆 Well, I am pleased today, Cheshire Police have announced that their Police dogs are to be given collar numbers so that they can be protected in law and anyone who injures one can be charged with that offence. One has been given my old collar number, 2011. https://www.cheshire.police.uk/news/cheshire/news/articles/2021/5/police-dogs-presented-with-collar-numbers-and-warrant-cards/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Orlo
  16. I think that G & M have still got them in as well Chris
  17. Limited edition set from Poppema Agricultural Miniatures https://www.poppemalandbouwminiaturen.nl/Universal-Hobbies-UHMFset-MF-set-MF-675-4WD-amp-MF-690-2WD-132-limed-750-stuks-PRE-ORDER-leverbaar-in-augustus-gemaakt-iov-Poppema-Landbouwminiaturen-prijs-is-voor-de-set-beide-modellen-komen-in-1-verpakking/?fbclid=IwAR1S3QD7KGlS-YeLSapiZqA3vVj3qkzN1ZvNH48E9zJ93k61LGadjiurCRA Massey Ferguson 675 4WD and Massey Ferguson 690 2WD. I don't wish to be critical but I would have thought that it would have been better for the 675 to be the 2 wheel drive version and the 690 to be the 4 wheeler, having said that, I will probably order the set
  18. Good to see you back and posting again, take it slow and you will get there
  19. Brilliant Smithy and well done for taking the time to get involved 😄
  20. The seller was quite crafty and he described it as being a "commercial sample" and valued it as £11 to keep it under the import tax threshold
  21. Couple of MF models arrived from a Hong Kong seller, one is mint but the other has suffered a bit in transit.
  22. C'mon Paul, anything you want to tell us about?
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