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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Definitely by Agrarfox Models, there will be a 2 wheel drive DX 3.10 and a 4 wheel drive DX 4.50 version, Theike posted these up in November in the Agrarfox topic
  2. Hi Grassman675 and welcome to the forum. If you scroll a bit further down the page you will see a section for Hints and Tips http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/forum/88-custom-model-methodstipshelp/ This has all sorts of useful advice about the types of paint and glue that others have tried and would recommend
  3. Fantastic collection Francesco, it's like the "Crilley and Burkholder" book brought to life
  4. Friend of mine sent me this today, clearing snow on the runway at Manchester Airport, brush on the back is from a Norwegian company Overaasen
  5. Welcome on FTF Francesco, unfortunately apart from Daniele there are very few on here fluent in Italian.
  6. I have just had an email from the seller to say that they are currently unable to ship to the UK, Ireland and The Republic of Ireland, normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Does anyone know if future purchases from European sellers will be subject to additional taxes following Brexit?
  7. I have a model on order from a French seller, I have used him before and he usually posts quite quickly however, this time it is stuck in the back of a lorry whilst they sort out this mess and backlog at the ports. It is my Christmas pressie to myself but hopefully I should get it in the New Year
  8. It would also appear from his feedback that he doesn't like Paypal either, one to be avoided
  9. Here is one for the crazy prices heading, I have one of these that I bought last year, mint and boxed for £25, this one is up for £250 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Polistil-Tractor-International-1055-1-41-immaculate/402470722955?hash=item5db51fdd8b:g:y7cAAOSwXrVfdwOo WOW Especially when you look a bit further down the list and find one for under £19 plus postage, exactly the same, mint and boxed https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-43-Polistil-Trattore-International-tractor/321556318563?hash=item4ade400963:g:DZcAAOSwU9xUQx~-
  10. Should be OK Sean, gives me time to save up if they are not available until next year
  11. Thanks, much appreciated
  12. Is that out now @Theike
  13. The other one that came at the same time is the Lamborghini Racing 190. I am going to assume that this is made using the same castings as the Titan but there are some nice touches to make it separate from its red cousin. The side panels on the bonnet are completely different for a start. It also comes with a front weight block but I haven't unwrapped that because the front linkage droops to the floor and will not stay in place. I have now glued in in place with a dab of superglue because I don't tend to use the linkage and it would just be for show. If you were going to mount anything on the front then this might be a problem although I don't know if this affects every model or just the one that I have.
  14. I thought that I would put up photos of my latest arrivals from Modelagrisystem First the Same Titan 145. Apart from the decals on both the model and the box there is nothing to distinguish this from the 190 version however, I would not take anything away from it as it is a stunning model albeit a bit flimsy. It is not one that you would give the kids to play with as it wouldn't last 5 minutes
  15. Had to go and have root canal surgery on a tooth today, I wouldn't recommend it as a days entertainment thats for sure.
  16. Parked up nearby as I was walking to the Post Office this morning
  17. I have contacted the supplier of these and I have been told that they are now expected late Q1 or early Q2 of 2021. Given that everything else in the World is on hold I am not too surprised. I am also trying to find out about the Ros models, the Laser 130/150 and the Galaxy 170. The Laser models are listed as being "expected soon" but there is no mention whatsoever of the Galaxy at this time.
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