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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Repost them in the correct category and I will delete the earlier post
  2. Known in the UK as toolcarriers, Weise toys have done 2 models of the larger version, one with a toolbar and the other with a front mounted trailer, this was prior to that time, I believe that the engine was a Deutz and the cab was by Fritzmeier (sp). You had to climb in through the back of the cab as there were no doors but the front window would push forward to open so it was quite pleasant on a summers day
  3. Final 2 photos. The irrigator is by Wright Rain and I think it was called a Loreau or something like that. It had a 2 cylinder air cooled engine that was the same as the Citroen 2CV and it was an absolute pig to drive. It wallowed all over the place because of the sprayer arms, if you had them either side then it felt as if it was going to tip over, you had to have them in a straight line from front to back and someone also had to have a rope on to stop them swinging around. The final photo is one of the farm Fiats, they ran a number of different Fiat tractors including a 4 pot 850DT and a 6 pot 1000DT, I suspect that this is the 1000 but I am not sure.
  4. The second unusual model that was on the same farm was a converted self propelled Chafer sprayer unit. I have seen several of these over the years with a Ford skid unit but this is the only one that I have ever seen with a David Brown 995 as the power unit
  5. This thread is entitled 2012 and beyond however, some old photos dating back to around 1979 have come to light and I thought that I would share them as they might be of interest to someone. At that time I was fresh out of college and working on an arable farm near Wyboston and St Neots on the Cambridgeshire/Bedfordshire border First up, an unusual little Fendt that we used for drilling and hoeing brassicas. We grew sprouts, cabbages, cauliflowers and onions and this little 35hp air cooled toolbar was invaluable. It had both rear linkage and a mid mounted linkage for the inter row cultivator and I have never seen another one. They guy walking alongside the tractor is the farm manager
  6. John, if we ever get the Lakeland Show off the ground again I would love to see some of these close up
  7. The Lamborghini Racing 165 is now available https://www.modelagrisystem.it/shop_dettaglioprodotto.asp?id=689
  8. Grandchild number 6 was born today, Phoebe Rose Robinson, well chuffed
  9. Barry, stop it you are making my eyes bleed........
  10. Third set of different scale versions, this time the Ros Same Explorer 100 in 1/32 scale and the Universal Hobbies Explorer 100 in 1/43 scale. I have only just noticed that ythe smaller version only has decals on one side of the bonnet, I am not sure if that is deliberate or just an accident in the factory, probably the latter knowing UH.
  11. I do have one with added front linkage that I got at Zwolle last year but that is in the loft as well
  12. Not as far as I know Lee, but we can always hope
  13. The last photos I put up were of the Titan in 3 different scales, however, I also have both the Same Iron 200 and Explorer 100 in both 1/32 and 1/43 scale. I have taken photos of the Iron in both scales, the 1/32 version is by Ros and the 1/43 is by Universal Hobbies. Unfortunately, the 1/32 Explorer is in a box in the loft and I can't get at it at the moment so no photos of that one just yet
  14. Didn't see a Same all the time I was there. Mostly MF and JD with the odd Fendt and NH but only one or two of them, oh, and one Deutz as well. Not sure any of the Elefante ever made it to the UK, there were only a very few ever built mostly for road use as they were the larger big brother to the Samecar, more of an off road truck than a tractor.
  15. You had me almost excited there Paul, thought you had seen a Same Elefante, I have never seen on in the UK , you do occasionally see the Same Buffalo though
  16. Turns out they also have a classic Deere as well
  17. Near Dolton in north Devon. Lovely area and loads to do nearby
  18. Couple of Deeres on the estate we are staying on, 6120 has had a hard life by the look of it, 6115M is in a much better condition
  19. Whilst I was out and about collecting my latest ebay buy, I came across this old lady parked up in a field
  20. Yes I agree, rare is an overused description. I have seen it used to describe the commonest items just to inflate the price. The other thing that always puts me off is when they use "L@@K" in the title. No, I will not "l@@k" at your listing if you use that ridiculously juvenile expression in the title, it tells me straight away that you are an idiot and not to be trusted.
  21. I saw this one on Facebook last week and now it is on Ebay https://www.ebay.it/itm/RARE-BRITAINS-CONVERSION-LAMBORGHINI-CHAMPION-135-TRACTOR/303626033285?hash=item46b1859885:g:o10AAOSwFzRfEYih Looks as if the seller has used the Ros Same Iron as a base and sprayed the whole thing silver, including the lights. he has then used a black marker pen to colour in (badly) the grilles but he has had some trouble keeping within the lines. No........just NO!
  22. Might as well do a bit of an update to this thread now that the new Same Titan has arrived. I actually now have the Same Titan in 3 different scales, 1/25 by Ros, the new 1/32 from Miniagrisystem and one in 1.43 by Hatchette (Universal Hobbies). I thought they might look good together (if you ignore the exhaust on the middle one for now)
  23. Try going through FM Modelbau, I know he ships to the UK as that is where I have ordered mine from PS sent you a message
  24. No problem, we do try to keep each other updated with new releases and special editions as well as reviews when new models do come out. Yes, they will only make 80 of that model to keep it is a limited edition, that way it will probably accrue value over time. They may bring out something similar at some time in the future but it will never be identical, that is the attraction of limited editions. A couple of years ago a Dutch builder brought out models of the Same Dinosaur in 2 different variations and there were only 15 of each made, I have one of each and I wouldn't like to guess what they would sell for now. Some manufacturers call anything under 1500 pieces a limited edition but I would suggest that under 300 worldwide is a more usual limit.
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