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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Just don't let Convo get a look at that, he will make a 1/32 version quicker than you can say John Deere
  2. No problem Gavin, I have split this off from the Modelagrisystem topic to save it from going awry. Modelagrisystem Obviously there is going to be a Same Titan from Modelagrisystem that is out now, they also have a Lamborghini Racing due for release in September. As far as I am aware they are not doing a Hurlimann version at the moment Schuco Schuco are doing the Same Hercules in both standard and gold Eima forms, they are also doing the Lamborghini 1556DT and the Hurlimann H6160 using the same moulding. These would appear to be very similar to the ones done earlier by FM Modelbau, make of that what you will. Powertrac Models Powertrac (and FM Modelbau) are doing a number of variants on a theme Same Explorer 80, limited to 80, and the Explorer 90 limited to 200 pieces. Lamborghini 774-80 limited to 80 pieces and the 874-90T limited to 200 pieces Hurlimann H478 Prestige limited to 80 models and the H488T limited to 200 models They are also doing an Eicher with the same casting that is limited to 80 pieces These are estimated to be available in either Q4 of 2020 or Q1 of 2021, I would suggest that the virus may have delayed them but no official word as yet. Ros Models Ros are planning a busy year for SLH (SDF) fans Same Virtus 140 Lamborghini Spark 140 Hurlimann 140 V Drive, all of which obviously use the same casting. These are due out shortly Also apparently in the planning are: Same Galaxy 170 Same Laser 130 and 150 versions Lamborghini 1506 and 1706 Hurlimann H6136, I have no dates for these models at the moment. I think that is quite enough to be going on with at the moment but I will update as soon as I get any further information. I have also ordered the Same Titan and I will post up pictures as and when it arrives
  3. Apparently the Lamborghini version won't be available until September, might have to order the Titan now
  4. The website www.modelagrisystem.it have announced that their 1/32 scale Same Titan 190 is now available priced at 185 euros https://www.modelagrisystem.it/shop_dettaglioprodotto.asp?id=615 They also have a Lamborghini Racing version planned for the near future which is the same price but not yet showing as being available https://www.modelagrisystem.it/shop_dettaglioprodotto.asp?id=689
  5. Silly is the right word, I got one at Zwolle last year for 25 euros, if someone wants to give me £180 for they can have it
  6. Another example of how things are changing on ebay. A couple of years ago the 1/25 scale Ros models would barely make £25, I picked one of these up for around £15 just because it is a Same and it fit with my collection. I have even got one of these in a kit form that is even rarer than the standard model so heaven knows what that would go for today https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-ROS-JOUEF-TITAN-TRACTOR-MODEL-1-25-SCALE-BOXED/164243671926?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  7. Lee this is very much allowed. We need to support and help our members. We all need to rally round and donate if you can
  8. Car dealers!! Thought that is was time to change the car as I have had the same one for 6 years. I looked around online and saw a car that I quite liked and so I put the details of my car into their site for a part exchange value. Now I know that these valuations are always more than they think your car is worth just to get you to go in. However, when I got there I was asked to confirm that it had a full service history so I got out the service book. This is when the irritation started. I had declared a full service history but, when they looked at the book there was no service dated 2016. There were 2 services showing in 2015, one in February and another at the end of October. (Had it done just prior to driving to Zwolle) Now, at the end of 2015 my job changed and I no longer needed to use this car for work so the mileage that I was doing dropped from 25000 per year to less than 8000 so, during 2016 the car did very few miles, less than 8000 and the service intervals are given as being every 12,500 miles in the book. However, it was due to have an MOT in January 2017 and so I had it serviced on 6th January 2017 at the same time as the MOT and I have kept this up ever since, MOT and service every January whether it was up to the mileage or not. Now, according to the sales person, this did not class as being a full service history as there was no stamp dated 2016 and he slashed the part exchange price that they were offering. THAT was my cue to walk out of the door as there was no way that he would compromise, that was the offer and it was the best that they could do...................bye! I then went to another dealer and found a better car, for the same initial price and they also offered me a lot more for my old car, deal done! I now have a new car on my drive and, for those that know me, yes, it is another silver Mondeo, the fourth one that I have had since 1999.
  9. Not sure whether this made me laugh or cringe. I had an IT issue today on my work laptop and our tech guy could access it remotely. Unfortunately, he could not sort it and so had to get another person involved to assist. Eventually, between the three of us we managed to get it sorted and I was up and running again. The IT guy then sent me a closing email with "Team work makes the dream work", I think that is one of the corniest cliches I have ever heard.
  10. I didn't know that you could get them in a set with a roller so that one is now on the search list.
  11. I have a saved search for Yaxon, I watched it for a couple of days and then though, what the heck, go for it
  12. I received a small Yaxon catalogue today showing the variations available and different trailers and implements, unfortunately there is no date on it and it only seems to cover the Lamborghini, Same and Fiat models
  13. Doesn't sound good Lee, Mrs R had to go to A&E the other day and I had to sit in the car outside as they wouldn't let me in
  14. Should have been going to Florida this Friday but that has now been postponed until 2021.
  15. I am told that the first prototype will be available in 2 to 3 months, as soon as I get any further info I will post it up
  16. Yes Sean, these are the ones we saw at Zwolle, I have been checking their website on a regular basis. I had hoped they would be available earlier but at least we now a date to look forward to.
  17. Power Trac models have announced a number of variants on a similar theme that will be available from either Q4 on 2020 or Q1 in 2021. www.mtoys.ch are behind the release and further information and images are from their website They are producing 2 versions of the Hurlimann Prestige, the H-478 will be limited to 80 models and the H-488T will be limited to 200 models Also there will be 2 Same versions, the Explorer 80 will be limited to 80 models and the Explorer 90T will be limited to 200 models. There will also be a Lamborghini variant, the Grand Prix 774-80 will be limited to 80 models and the Grand Prix 874-90T will be 200 models The final variant is an Eicher 2090 that will be limited to 80 models
  18. Considering that you say that you don't have many in 1/32 you do have a fair few of them. Didn't realise that there were so many model versions
  19. Wow fantastic many thanks, right Sean, next road trip is to Ireland
  20. That is going to vying for the position of my favourite photo of all time
  21. Thanks Atte, I will have to look out for a loose cab to fit it now
  22. I am after some of the wisdom of the forum members. I have recently acquired a red plastic model, (although it is quite heavy), of what appears to be a Britains tractor. There is a sticker underneath that says C Britains 2006 but no other markings. It seems to be a metal chassis with a plastic body on top, there is some engine detail, but not much, and the front axle is movable. Any ideas what it is?
  23. I think that they are Buzzards Joe, we seem to have loads around here. Sean, if I had half as much in my wallet as you do I would be a happy man,
  24. Nice one Paul. I remember the first time that I met Phil Hairsine at the Myerscough College show and I had a good chat with him about his potato set up, a really ice down to earth chap. I have also got a Marshall 100 that I got from Barry last year at Penrith but I have no idea who built it, it is a really smart model though
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