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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Nice Deutz on Nokian tyres on the golf course yesterday
  2. There used to be a picture doing the rounds of a Land Rover like that, not sure if it was on here or Facebook though
  3. Good to hear that Sean, time for a tipple to wet the baby's head then..........................any excuse is a good excuse
  4. That is awful Sean, hope the family get better now and the worst is over
  5. Ooh nasty, Fix Or Repair Daily as they say. Only joking, it's sad to see the old girls having trouble
  6. I am amazed as well Sean. Of all the people that I know, you are the one that I would not get into an argument with as I know I would probably lose
  7. I also get this warning and I have to resize all of my photos before the system will let me upload them. There is supposed to be a 7mb limit and I know my photos are less than this but it still won't let me do it
  8. In Warrington? You don't get that sort of beaver in Warrington but some may also double as a stump grinder just to keep Sean happy
  9. It always amazes me that sometimes equipment gets left to rot in the nettles, this is s set of Dowdeswell discs. We used to have a thread called "hedgerow heroes and forgotten friends" and these woul have fitted into that category I also noted that there seemed to be blue paint underneath the Dowdeswell green, were these originally Parmiter discs and then just overpainted and sold by Dowdeswell?
  10. Met up with David today to visit a farm close to me. I can't show some of the photos yet as they are going to feature in a future article that he is working on however, I did get photos of somew of the other equipment around the place. This John Deere 4440 was recently dyno tested and was putting out 153hp at the shaft, unfortunately it has got a flat tyre so couldn't come out to play
  11. Might be something to consider Sean, unfortunately I have some decorating planned this weekend
  12. A friend with a chain saw came today and together we chopped down a 30 year old Cedar tree. It was originally planted as a 2 foot high baby in 1988 but since then it has outgrown its allotted space and was starting to overhang the drive so it had to come down. I am not going to be able to get the roots out without affecting the block paved drive and I have no intention of replacing the drive. A certain fruiterer from Cambridge suggested that I should burn it out but Mrs R isn't keen on that idea so it will have to stay there for the forseeable future or until I have the energy to start digging around it
  13. Does anybody else find this slightly suspicious. I have been watching an item for the last 3 weeks as it was relisted several times with no bids. As it was about to finish again tonight, still with no bids, I decided to go for it, only to be almost immediately outbid. Methinks the seller is trying to bid up the price and to get me to bid again, wrong! Time to walk away.
  14. I was walking at the time, would have looked a bit daft shouting nee naw and running down the road, besides, I am too old for that now
  15. A grey New Holland went past me today too fast for me to get the phone out to take a photo but it was all grey and seemed to be a slightly darker shade than this and without the red decals, will keep my eyes peeled in case I spot it again
  16. Hoped you might like it Dan as I remember you saying you had never heard of County tractors
  17. The waste itself was being spread by contractors using Fendt 724 and a new 716 model, I have to say I really like the new Nature Green colour
  18. I mentioned in the UH new releases topic a while ago that I had a friend who had a County 1174 and I would see if I could get some photos for comparison with the model version. I managed to catch up with him today ploughing in green waste
  19. Good, I now expect a full fleet report
  20. The older version has got Nuffield wheels on the back and far from detracting from the model I think they really enhance it, I would love to swap the fronts over for some more realistic tyres but I have no idea on how to do it or what wheels I could use. The plastic on the "older" one is also more faded and I know that they also had different boxes, only one of mine is boxed, the newer one, and that is in the loft and I am not going rooting to get it out at the moment
  21. Been out spotting my favourite marque again this morning. SAME Explorer 80 been on the same farm from new
  22. This interests me but I do accept that it might not be of any great interest to others however, I have now got 2 versions of the CoMa SAME Leone 70 and I have found a number of difference between them quite apart from the fact that one of them has had a wheel swap. Just to confuse things, the one that I bought at Spalding yesterday is an older version whilst the one that I have had for a number of years is the later one. So technically, my new one is the old one and my old one is the new one. Keep up at the back I will be asking questions later The older version is quite a lot heavier and I suspect that there is some metalwork in the chassis somewhere, the later version is quite light and almost all plastic. The older one has an almost black chassis whilst the later one is definitely blue, not sure if you can quite see the difference on the photos though. The older one has all blue linkage whilst the later one has silver linkage Anyway, have a look at them side by side
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