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Everything posted by robbo

  1. When the white MF 50th Anniversary model came out they were highly desirable and one sold on ebay for around £450, the normal "going price" tends to be around £120 so this would be considered to be good value, I certainly paid more for mine https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UH-Massey-Ferguson-MF-50th-Anniversary-Special-Edition-tractor-1-32-MIB/352550616115?hash=item5215a77c33:g:ST4AAOSwMO9b9WsN
  2. It always amazes me that people get so caught up in the bidding process that common sense sometimes goes out of the window. There is a 1/16th scale UH Ford 7000 due to finish shortly and it is up to £165 with an hour to go, now I have no problem with that, the seller might get a nice price for his/her model, the issue that I have is that slightly further down the page there is the same model listed as buy it now for £150, just buy that one and why pay more? Even the postage for the auction version is higher than the buy it now listing.
  3. I think that Nigel means the Same Tiger 100 that I posted, it is indeed a Polistil and not a Yaxon, I am contrite.
  4. And what about the village of Wool that has been asked to change its name to show that it does not agree with the cruel practice of shearing. FFS is all I can say
  5. And my wallet is a bit lighter as well
  6. Yes you are right on all counts. The two in the top cabinet with the Hercules versions are the Saturno models produced by the LCN Club as a members model in 2015 and they were made for them by Marge Models. They occasionally come up on ebay but are usually around £250 each. The next shelf has the Artisan Buffalo kit in the back left corner next to the 2 Dinosaur models. At the front of that shelf there are 3 PDC conversions. The first was a Jaguar 95 that I asked Paul to make for me, he had to do 10 but they sold like hot cakes and people kept asking for more. As a result he later made the Leopard 85 in both 2 and 4 wheel drive but he is now having trouble getting hold of the base model and is not making any more as far as I know. I do have others in different scales but they won't fit in this glass cabinet.
  7. This may be rare but if you think I am going to pay over £1200 + postage for a plastic tractor you have another thing coming https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MS-Germany-Red-Yellow-Gray-Porsche-Diesel-Tractor-w-Front-Loader-NIB-Rare/192721030182?hash=item2cdf118c26:g:brkAAOSwnWpb7nKO:rk:23:pf:0 And he has got 3 versions, all of which are around or above the £1000 mark, phew
  8. That's why my display cabinets all have doors on them. Strangely enough he leaves them alone, the 1 year old, well, he is a different story altogether.
  9. My 3 year old grandson this morning! I just told him off for throwing his toy cars across the room (they are having accidents Grandad.) The next minute another car goes flying and when I asked what had happened he replied "it just drove off my hand". This child is going to be a lawyer if he can twist the truth like that.
  10. Ah yes, but that would not please the tree huggers and vegans who are committed to imposing a meat free lifestyle on the rest of the population. Once agriculture has managed to reduce the number of animals by 50% then it is only a small step to cutting them further until they have eradicated the systemic cruelty that farmers practice every day on their captives, (tongue planted firmly in cheek in case you ask). Then they will have to get their organic message across ............................. without the benefit of manure to supply the nutrients for their herbaceous borders of yummy plants.............oh, they won't have any will they, what a shame, pass the NPK in a bag. It reminds me of the edict of Chairman Mao who saw sparrows eating grain in a silo and announced them to be enemies of the people to be exterminated for eating our food. The Chinese people then killed millions of sparrows by refusing to let them land or roost and they all died of exhaustion. The following year, the crops failed becausde the insects that the sparrows fed on for most of the year multiplied out of control, as a result, 60 million people died of malnutrition. These idiots need to look at the wider picture and not their own blinkered dogma rant over!
  11. Just as well you ain't going to Zwolle, you wouldn't be able to walk around the hall and we're not carrying you
  12. I agree with Simon and Brian, I set myself a maximum and if I am outbid then so be it, it also saves me getting carried away and bidding far more than I probably should do.
  13. I never bid until the last 10 seconds of an auction.if you bid before this then all you are doing is driving the price up. You cannot win an item with days or even hours to go so I don't understand why people do it
  14. Ha ha just trying to imagine Smithy wearing a Tricorn hat and snuggling up to Demelza........................................nah!
  15. I haven't p[osted in this thread for around 2 1/2 years so I thought it was due an update. I have managed to source an Ikea glass cabinet at a good price (free) so I have cleaned it up and it is the new home for some of my Same collection. I do have others but I couldn't fit them in
  16. robbo


    Minitrac have come up trumps (for me) once again with a 1/32 scale model of the Same Buffalo V6 version http://minitrac.nl/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=16&virtuemart_category_id=5&Itemid=117 I had 3 messages within an hour from different people about this version, one on here, (thanks Nick) and two from friends in Holland, one of whom actually has one of the real tractors. That in itself is a rarity as there are only known to be 3 still in existence and it was this tractor that was measured for the model version. The production run is 300 models and I have ordered 2, one for me and one for another forum member to be collected at Zwolle.
  17. I have found out about a book that appears to be long out of print that I would really like to find, called "SAME tractors from the origins to the present day" by William Dozza and Furio Oldani https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Tractors_SAME.html?id=zgOBAQAACAAJ&redir_esc=y The nearest I can find is in a library in Rome but that is the Italian version and not in English. If anyone ever sees this whilst out and about or at any shows then please get it for me and I will reimburse you Thanks
  18. A few more from my own collection and apologies if I am duplicating any that others have already posted. Unfortunately I haven't had these off the shelf for some time and I have noticed that a cpouple of them are getting faded along the edge
  19. Passed a potato team in action today, Claas on the harvester, Valtra and Case on the trailers. There was also a McCormick on the road but I didn't get the camera out in time for that one but as it was the same type of trailer I am assuming that it was the same crew
  20. No the text is in English, at least on my copy anyway. I have also got that Fiat book as well.
  21. Just to show that I am not colour biased, The Claas Chronicles and The Roar of Dust and Diesel, IH tractors by Mike Teanby. I have a few more that I will put up later, other makes and various collectors lists
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