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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. I do like it and the little addapter for a britains hitch is especially welcomed
  2. Thanks for teaching me italian I do fancy that 400 metre topdown ;D
  3. Oh to be able to read italian :'(
  4. OH give me a numpty The pictire is real :o
  5. Looks like it should be a nice shed I've said it before and i'll say it again, It is so nice to see more and more people making model buildings thet actually look real. I can remember not so long ago when there were very few people having diaramas with buildings in that wern't the Horrid Atcost Britains jobs. Now it seems that there are loads of members having a bash. Bravo to ye all SMurF
  6. No You've wrecked it But no matter Send it to me and I shall see if I can FIX it for you and put it on my side send it back when it is done Fine Job mate I may become Jealous
  7. I have written about the differences between UH, Siku and Britains many times on the forum and it peeves me that people keep putting britains/siku down for their limited detail . The 2 companies basicaly produce toys, Some of which have a collectable value but most don't in the sence of (" I would like them to put more detail in") This Keeps on bugging me. If you want "replicas" Go for Wiking/UH and leave them in the box to look at because all that happens is they put all this intricate detail into the models and it most of the time gets broken and people complain that they are too week or flimsy Yet Britains/ siku make a more robust model that can handle a little abbuse and peolpe complain that they are too much like toys ( THats what they are designed as ). I myself collect all types of 1/32 models and yes there are a few things that niggle me but I understand that You get what you pay for and if i don't want a certain model because it looks too toyie I just won't buy it. Simple. If We keep on complaining left, right and centre about the ins and outs of all the different manufacturers Maybe one day they will stop producing them and where would the "FARM TOY COLLECTOR BE THEN". Just Buy what you want, Put creative thoughts forwards But for gods sake Stop putting them down at evry point possible. ONLY MY OPPINION End of rant
  8. Try this http://www.quality-equipment.co.uk/frames/mainframe/products_services/farrowing_crates/index.htm
  9. Hopefully be there again in april Only a 2 hour drive away so no need to stay over anywhere plus it leaves more money for models ;D
  10. That is looking well smart What have you made the silo's out of \
  11. It's just damned cold today
  12. I personally like the site foreman canine making sure the job is done right Looking very smart
  13. Allways wondered what the lump of metal was lying arround now i know its a MF hitch Shame I scrapped it not knowing what it was
  14. Now that is just nasty boys As for the aeriels Got a splitter kit from argus fitted it to the aeriel in the attic and sent off the spurs to the bedrooms its quite straight forwards Just needs a little planning as to where the leads come through the ceiling And bought the kids digi box's from tesco's so now I won't have to watch cbeebies all day
  15. Helping to fence a neighbours farm as he is giving up in march (another one bites the dust) Hopefully saving him some money on delapidation costs One less hedge cutting job next year Will make winter a more boring job as i cut his through to the end of the year weather permitting
  16. Well it made me laugh anyway And the defender was still running He went to rescue the range rover but ended up getting stuck aswell
  17. What pleased me was finishing the christmas tree lighting http://www.noradsanta.org/en/countdown.html Press on the clock tower I find it quite addictive
  18. I got home today to find a letter from one of my insurance companies informing me that i hadn't made a payment \ So got in touch with the bank they told me that my account was frozen "Have you gone over your overdraft" was the question "no" was the reply the bloke left me on hold for a while and when he returned he spoke very sheepishley and asked if it was definately my acount i was enquiring about "yes" was my answer Then he hit me with something I didn't expect "Well according to our records You died on the 11th of november and your account has been passed on to another department and frozen" To say that i was angry/Shocked was an understatement My uncle died on that day I have gone balistic at the bank as all of my direct debits have not been payed since that day I now wait to see how many other letters I will recieve to see where the payments are. They say that they will get back to me tommorow and try to sort this out We'll see what tommorow brings > I aint sorting this mess out >
  19. What the hell is going on the past few weeks Know how you are feeling MX Tris I feel for you mate And I have the funeral on monday No way did expect to de doing this for many years But we will give me Uncle a real good send off The way he'd like it Chin up boys Hopefully the pain will ease but the memories will be with us allways
  20. I'm sorry to hear your news sean Obviousely the names came up in the big book
  21. Not so much sad today but very very upset and guttedand tottally shocked after a call last night from my mother to say that my 58 year old uncle who I have idolised all my life and was my hero had suffered a massive fatal heart attack. He was the reason that i got into farming and allso what made me want to take up darts ( He was the best player that i knew who gave some of the best a run for their money, And i have never beet him ever) And a damned good tractor driver. I will miss him for ever.
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