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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. You need a press on the plough to consolidate the soil and retain moisture
  2. OH to have soil like the stuff you've been pluffing :'( :'( :'( :'(
  3. Most impressive my good man
  4. I would think that the tubes will be scrap as the foam is very sticky Iff you don't want the tube on just peel it off I'm glad that it works as i hav'nt got round to doing it yet so well done for trying
  5. Well today has been a good day as first of all i have had the day off secondly i have managed to get take that tickets after 2 tours without any joy ;D Then spent the day at warwick castle with the family Wierd thing is i am 39 and have never been there even though its only 6 miles from home and have lived in this area all my life \ Interesting time though Whooooopeeeeee I'm going to take that ;D ;D Now all the comments about a grown man going to a take that concert can be directed at me ;D ;D ;D But I like them
  6. 2 inches of snow here Global warming My arse ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. You couldn't get a much better place for a show than the NEC Not the main halls but they have some great little show areas which would be fine Can' get more central than that
  8. Sorry to hear your wo's Sean My old man had one 18 months ago and it takes time to get back to some kind of normality But as long as he's got movement thats a good start All the best to you and your families Hope their recovery is swift Keep possitive Regards Scott
  9. I would advise you to buy genuine wearing parts They don't cost much more than the spurious items Plus they have a big D cast into them As for the decals as was said before Just give dowdeswell a ring and they should be able to help Been to their stores for spares in the past and they have everything
  10. Opened the local paper today to see a bloke who i have known since school and the year above me had died unexpectadly whilst on holiday in egypt phoned a mutual friend to find out that he had had a massive heart attack This bloke was as fit as a fiddle doesn't make much sense but bring it home that it can happen to anyone what ever thire age/fitness very sad news
  11. Don't do it look what happened to the last classic you owned and scrapped :'(
  12. If i am at home early afternoon Shall reply to anyone who wants to see the forum working \
  13. Putting a set of new rear boots on the 2640 Chasing 3 of a neighbours cattle all over the countryside ( Damn big farms with no hedges ) Putting new brake pipes and finishing off lifting the new offroader
  14. Works better with this link http://www.fwi.co.uk/community/photos/harvest2008/default.aspx
  15. Have a trundle down this lot marky http://www.gardensafari.net/english/garden_spiders.htm
  16. Finally finished the combining at 7.30 this evening ;D ;D Last field was hellish wet Had the combine going sideways trying to get the last of the wheat
  17. One quick way is Quickly spread mitre bond over the blue surface and then spray it with activator Instant frosting
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