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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. Crushes very easily But why not give it a try What have you got to loose As for size 40mm x 40mm will be near enough for what you want
  2. Try getting some of that expanding foam stuff from bee and screw and fill kitchen roll tubes with it then when it has gone off slice them into the correct length cover in pva and roll the lot in some shredded sizel baler twine cut into short lengths pat it smooth all over the get some orange/blue cross stitch thread and spiral it around like the feel thing an there you have a round straw bale now for the worst part I have only been told this and as yet have not tried it \ But it sounded very feesable
  3. I'm off in a few minutes to play cricket for the local clubs eleven verses the rest of the vilage which is played every other year
  4. Sunshine and showers here
  5. Very nice job you have done with the supertrim If you want I can take some Photo's of mine if it may help Regards SMurF P.S The tank looks a lot better now
  6. Modelenium The very nice man there said he would get me one and he did
  7. I have for the first time ever today got a catalogue and I can say that it is certainly the best produced one that I have seen out of all the farm model ones
  8. Brilliant stuff Basically it is only thick cyano acrillic with a spray accelerator TIP use any type of superglue with the spray Gives a little time for repositioning using only the glue first then spray the area with the spray can
  9. The One saving grace was the fact that BEECROFT toys were there Apart from a sarney they where the only stand to get any of my money
  10. What Machinery did I see Today Not Much as I went to the royal show > >
  11. Well I went to it today and must say what an utter load of tosh They wanted to get it back to farming but all it seemed like was a glorified sunday market With a side helping of supermarkets thrown in for good measure As for Machinery and Tractors POOR They now only take up a very small corner of the show If you want a good day out Go To Your nearest Shopping Centre My oppinion is a little one sided as I don't like Horses If you do Then there are Loads of the nags for you to see Regards SMurF
  12. What about a standard square bale squeezer If they were good enough for what you want And they don't cost that much \
  13. My kind of Man ;D Play with them Don't look at them
  14. Going back to work after my holiday is rather annoying But life goes on i suppose :'( :'(
  15. Most impressive layout Regards SMurF
  16. Looking good there Beginner What have You used for the grass in the field that has been muck spreaded \ Regards SMurF
  17. I believe you will find that they are not rare at all Still see them about in shops now and then Released as a cheep Kiddy toy
  18. This made me have a little chuckle to myself http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FARMER-ANIMALS-and-Farmer-1-32-scale-11-figures_W0QQitemZ380028540458QQihZ025QQcategoryZ2642QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em122 I'd be very scared with those chickens considering the size of the rest ;D
  19. Know how you feel Some years ago whilst in the milking parlour a nice cow whipped me in the eye with its tail and gave me 3 scratch marks on me eye :'( You try driving to the doctors when all you can do is cry and squint all the time :'( :'( :'(
  20. OOOOOOOH GET HER But then again Lord Fergy scrapper Do as you are told
  21. And with a slight amonia smelling yellowish stain to it ;D
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