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What a way to spend a Sunday.....Can't beat it.....Wending your way round country roads in 3" of snow, a bit sideways a couple of times but good fun..... then a model show at the end of the journey!  There were some good displays - ones that we haven't seen before as well, and a few trade stands.   Well done to all concerned. ;D

Eh Marky you could get a good brew as well, in proper mugs....

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what was converted on them?? ???

oh and love the sheep on the tractor! :D :D :D;D

wheels painted, new lights on back, stripes on rear legs and painted rear mudguards from memory, based on 50th aniversory model i belive :-\

sheep driving the tractor was down to dave towse ::) also the chickens on the tractor cabs! (he was bored i guess) also there was some one "man loving" a man in mf overalls behind a hedge then they move into the crew cab pickup :o

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attendance through the door was low but all the exhibitors had a great day swapping ideas etc over the great food and drinks that were on offer (really good value also, 40p for tea or coffee in a mug ;D)

shame afew more forum members didnt travel to the event, ribble valley came and kevin anderson and his girls from scotland (they stayed over sat night in hull)  alot of people travelled 1 to 2 hrs to get there to display, joke is i live 15 mins from the venue and it took me 45 mins due to the snow to get there >:( the snow was only local so im told, was clear 30 miles down the road

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Looks like someone was trying to nick Marks packet of Minstrels because he doesn't seem to want to let go of them  :D

A good show then all in all? Looks like a pretty good turn out for any day let along the first one and bad weather. Well done, another show to bare in mind in the future. Good work guys  8):)

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Looks like someone was trying to nick Marks packet of Minstrels because he doesn't seem to want to let go of them  :D

A good show then all in all? Looks like a pretty good turn out for any day let along the first one and bad weather. Well done, another show to bare in mind in the future. Good work guys  8):)

mark never shares ha ha! everytime anyone went near his layout his big stick came out! im told next time the layout is shown the electric lines will have 24volt running through them :o

was a great start to a hopefully annual show, would be nice to see you and others display tris ;)

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It's a long way but it isn't impossible.  :)

Nothing is impossible Tris, you should get yourself up here! after all I came down to Toytrac for a day. How you getting on with your T Cab? ;) Send it up and I will give it a good home :D.

Minstrals, only just got them and contary to popular belief I would have shared them but nobody asked!

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Minstrals, only just got them and contary to popular belief I would have shared them but nobody asked!

next time you got anything worth shareing i'll be quicker to ask :D :D,

would be nice to have your company next year tris ;)

was super day with a great group of people ;)

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