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The Misadventures of Si and little Bray new to me when i paid for it


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Whats a 735  ??? ??? i think its a old mill loader tip type jobby better than a wheelbarrow back in the day i guess  :-\ :-\ :D :D crumbs Sean why didn't i think about that rob all the bits of my tractor to make BGU's better then what would i be left with  :-*

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:o :o What on earth has happened to you Si  :o

I demand you stop drinking at once  >:(

I would have thought that you would have learnt your lesson after where you wake up most mornings  ;)

But now this  :o

How many pints before some one sold you this .... in the pub I take it  ???

20-25 pints / litres  ???;):D;D

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