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Electric fencing advice please


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I'm looking for some electric fencing to keep my basset hound from straying out of our garden. She has a habbit of worming her way through the privet hedge out into the field and then tracking whatever scent she picks up once she gets there. Anyone who knows Bassets will probably know that they are one of the most ignorant animals on the face of this earth so shouting or whistling her does not bring her back and it usually results in sending the other dog off to track her and a 20 minute trip around the fields to bring her back.

I thought about it and came to the conclusion that a band of electric fencing threaded through the bottom of the hedge may well be the easiest and most cosmeticly pleasing method of keeping her at bay??

Any help or advice would be appreciated!

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Thanks Steve, My wife has looked at these already but we're a bit concerened it might not work as she seems to be a little, lets say "thick" as are all bassets going on what i've read! has anyone any experience with them?

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Gallagher or Hotline are the brands you want Jase and it may be worth while banging fencing stakes in then cutting them of say 2ft above ground and using horse tape at 1ft - 2ft from the ground. Be cheap and you'd have it done in an afternoon easy.

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Gallagher or Hotline are the brands you want Jase and it may be worth while banging fencing stakes in then cutting them of say 2ft above ground and using horse tape at 1ft - 2ft from the ground. Be cheap and you'd have it done in an afternoon easy.

It is a dog not a bullock Tris :D :D

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How does Tris know what it's like 1 to 2 feet in the air anyway.... has someone been picking him up again....?

One of our local pubs had a pair of Dullations, the great thick spotty buggers. Now they are stooopid.

They used that perimeter wire and collar method and it seemed to work a treat for them.

My only concern with it was that surely once they are out of range the other side of the signal wire it must stop zapping them and they're off and away....  ??? Not only that, having got through it once maybe they wouldn't fancy coming straight back across it and they'd be off like the littlest hobo...... just keep movin' on....

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one of my customers uses the dog one and she has Bull Mastiffs and a Jack Russell called "Havoc".  None of her dogs leave area that has been wired.   If it works for a Mastiff AND a Jack Russell it should work for a Basset.  Yes the dogs wear a collar that "pings" them!

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I would save money and get bog standard leccy fence, our jack russell got a belt fom our electric fence, and he knew about it, (he isnt the brightest ever either  ;) ) as soon as they get 1 good belt, they know where the boundary is, you can switch it off then  ;D but now our jack russell is scared of our pigs bcause he thinks the pigs gave him the belt  :D

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I thought about it and came to the conclusion that a band of electric fencing threaded through the bottom of the hedge may well be the easiest and most cosmeticly pleasing method of keeping her at bay??


"threaded through the bottom of the hedge" - not really an option as it would be difficult to keep it from touching the hedge and shorting would it not.  Better put a foot or so to the side of the hedge.

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keep it of the deck mind jas, and no twigs ect touching it to earth,m most common problems with phone lines and broadband problems in a rural area, line get a "click" on it each pulse, which drops the broadband out to as it causes errors i nthe signal,can effect areial route as easy as underground cables to

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"threaded through the bottom of the hedge" - not really an option as it would be difficult to keep it from touching the hedge and shorting would it not.  Better put a foot or so to the side of the hedge.

Ah, see there's my education for today! Thanks Clive!

I think we'll try one of these collars that gives the dog a shock, we'll just have to see if she's smart enough to realise why she keeps getting "Zapped" !!

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Ah, see there's my education for today! Thanks Clive!

I think we'll try one of these collars that gives the dog a shock, we'll just have to see if she's smart enough to realise why she keeps getting "Zapped" !!

It worked on a particularly dense labrador..... :)

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