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Making a digital copy of tractor brochures


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i may not have posted in the correct category  sorry if that is the case

my query is whether any body could advise me what would be the best approach to making a digital copy of the brochures i have collected over the years.  this entails maybe 400 pages or so that is about 200 sheets but of course many of these are stapled

i know that i could scan or take a photo and edit perhaps

i really need advise on this as ii could take a lot of time and i would need a good image

any ideas are welcome

my camera is a bit dates 2 megs  is that ok?

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I think you really will have to scan them... but you'll want access to a good fast scanner... we have a pretty hot one in our office but to do the quantity you're talking will still take you ... er, ages :-\

Don't try photographing them, it never works, they either distort, or you get a reflection or blur...

You might want to invest in a high quality dedicated flat bed scanner and just slowly set about it.

The next thing you need to think about is storage format. PDF will probably be your best bet but you may find you need to invest in some decent DTP software or full Acrobat to allow you to put the pages in the right order and store as one file... Good luck! ;D

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Well I have tried everything.. and the answer is as everyone else has said... scanning...

I have now scanned 1200 MF brochures plus... most multiple page - although it takes ages it's a good feeling when you have finished them.

My advice from my 'extensive' research..

Develope a good file naming protocol right from the start (like database developing)... make it short.. simple and easy to find... also create a detailed directory tree... such as...

1. Manufacturer

2. Product type (tractors, Trailers, Hay & Straw, Tilage equipment etc.)

3. Make a final sub category under each heading above... (Tractor SERIES range, or say... ploughs, cultivators etc.)


Keep a .txt file with a version history in the root directory of you collection... like this

version 32 - 20090303 (date backwards)

This will help when you have made some backups - you'll know by looking at this file which is the most recent set of data if you ever loose it or need to restore from a previous backup


Keep the front page for each one as a JPEG file... in a separate folder - for quick reference or which brochures you have - good for boring the pants off people when doing a slide show etc.

Now then... nitty gritty... You MUST scan in JPEG (300 dpi... 200dpi at a push) and convert/combine to a .PDF file if you can - most scanners have some software to do this built in to them...

Get yourself a reasonable priced scanner (they will all be USB 2.0 by now). one with a dislocating lid so you can scan thick books/brochures without having to stress the spines or staples too much to flatten them to the bed.

Make sure you do a quick scan first... so you can trim off any unwanted areas around the edges... nothing worse than reprinting a brochure with white bits at the side of the bottom.

I hope that helps... it's something I have 'evolved' over the years when scanning my lot - I now have over 6gb of scans - so that will show you how much I have done - I've worn out a scanner completely and I'm not far from knackering my new one again  :D :D - most of them are not designed for that kind of high usage I believe  :-\

If you need any more tips.. send me a PM... if I think of anything else I'll post it in here  ;)

It's a very wise decision to scan your collection (all be it a labour or love) - you'll find the amount of time you can refer to it are most useful.  Beats getting the files out... and making your precious brochures dirty as well  ;)

Oops... final tip (so far) - Most manufacturers offer .PDF downloads from their websites these days - save yourself the job of scanning the modern ones and download them free of charge  ;)

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great advice here most of it i can understand and will be following up on the rest

i am going to post a new topic  hope it has not been posted before      post up an image of the nicest brochure you have seen

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great advice here most of it i can understand and will be following up on the rest

i am going to post a new topic   hope it has not been posted before      post up an image of the nicest brochure you have seen

well done JK... now you have got me thinking of which one to post...  :D :D ;)

Any help you need I will be more than happy to help if I can.  Sorry for the long 'waffle' - the worrying thing is... I speak like that as well  :D :D :D

I've PM'd you my phone number for a chat if you want any more clarification  ;)

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i will have to start on this work soon????  but as you know the amount of time it takes is huge    but at least i kept some of these 1970 brochures which my poor postie had to deliver by bicycle ???  about 200 in all my pride and joy are the 135, 148, 165, 168 and 188 glossy MF 100 series ones  no scanner at the moment but the camera might do

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HP Scanjets are also worth a lok, 600 or 1200dpi.  You will need to save to at least 300dpi or greater - if tou are taking the time to do it then do it properly.  You might also consider an external drive or backups as well - the obvious reason being that should the worst happen you have a copy.

The reason for >300 dpi if that at anu less you will get pixelation should you come to print some of your precious leaflets in hi res!


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Wise words from Steve...

I've got an HP scanjet... blooming brilliant machine... and a heck of a lot quicker than that Epsom as well... cheaper too  ;)

I had the original scanjet - I agree absolutely brilliant machine.  I now have a new version and although the quality is better in some cases than the earlier one it is far more complicated to operate and keeps falling over.  Still better than all of the other makes.  Combo machines (print/scan/copy/[fax]) are awful.

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