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Bloody Britains


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The last proper Britains tractor must have been the Fordson major.A sturdy mostly metal toy with steering and a working lift that actually looked a bit like the real thing.

The E27N was a good toy in my opinion too, but sadly nothing has come close since,WHY?

I like to think I collect toy tractors,i.e. ones with steering and a working lift that looks similar to a real working tractor.

The Britain's lift was not perfect, but it worked.(old type not the crappy plastic joke they use today)

Why can we not have a metal cab, bonnet,wheel centres that do not vanish over time and a proper hitch?

How long do Britains models last as toys in a child's hands? Er.. not long.

Question what do we want to buy - toy tractors or models?

I do like Britains farm models in general but wish they would be a little bit better than what they are.

RC2 to me, do not seem to have the finances or the inclination to produce better or more models, sorry toys.

U.H , though they produce models beat Britains hands down!

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I think its because its cheaper and lots easier to mould them from plastic rather then metal  ;)

I think your bang on there Rhys mate, also probable some stupid law saying they cant use metal hitches like the old ones because you may cut youself on it  ::):-\ :) :) :)

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This conversation has been covered many many times before on the forum.

And the main conclusion is that if you don't like it don't buy it :-\

We have done questionares on the forum and the results have been shown I believe to Britains

We also have members who are employed by RC2 and regularly visit the site and see constructive criticism of what our thoughts are.

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I think your bang on there Rhys mate, also probable some stupid law saying they cant use metal hitches like the old ones because you may cut youself on it  ::):-\ :) :) :)

Siku use metal hitches.

Well the RC2 staff must have have shades on and  wear earplugs.

Come RC2 be dynamic.

I did say I like Britains products.

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Whinge, whinge, whinge! You're a right old barrel of laughs! :D :D :D

You need to let go of the romanticism attached with 'Britains' for a start. RC2 is the name, Britains as we knew it pre 80's has gone.

Many people have raised their beefs with the brand and I for one have been harsh. Linkage, steering and quality control have been the key discussion points. Andy has meetings twice a year at least and recently undertook a massive questionnaire on behalf of RC2 of which the findings were presented to RC2 last month. I've no doubt to release a brand new tractor the concept is conceived 12 months earlier. With measuring up real machines, building prototypes, licencing and so on it is no easy task, we are learning this with the FTF Members Model. Recently the FW60 was released, new tooling. So proof is there that RC2 when needs must, will pull it out of the bag.

Britains made children a farm toy and subsequently, they are now the collector. Thanks to Britains, UH, Replicagri, Wiking etc have a market aimed at collectors. RC2 as they stand have two markets, maybe they are doing too much but as it stands they are certainly doing a pretty good job. If the issues of linkage etc can be addressed maybe we'll be happy.

In the meantime, they have plenty we should praise. If I have egg on my face, so should many others.

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yep we all have our gripes with RC2 but at the end of the day inovation is

a wild beast and the lefty EU law AND other global laws H&S have tamed this

beast so you get little or no progress  :-\ and its not just RC2 look at siku and

other makes  ;)

remember RC2 do cater for both toy and collector markets but both these standards have to

be riggorously policed for public saftey

this is how UH can get away with more detail as in most cases a collectors model

is for ages 14 and over a childs play toy is consiterably lower

RC2 would not like to hear of little tommy chokeing on a pice of plastic off one

of their products 

I think RC2 do a good job all in all

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I'm bored of bashing Britains, but then I've had my turn. Fred hasn't had his chance to say his piece having not been here long, so while the rest of us have said / heard it all before, Fred hasn't, that ought to be remembered if not necessarily agreed with! :D

All that being said, I'm positive about the future of the range now and feel that thanks to Andy's feedback to and contact with the company over the last few years, we are seeing, and will continue to see, a marked improvement in accuracy, functionality, diversity and relevance.

Sure, the range is FAR from perfect, but I think the Britains name and all products sold under it, along with Ertl models too, are on their way up from rock bottom. I actually look forward to the new releases with genuine hope! ;D

Incidentally, I had a play with the new RC JQ the other day and I have to say, hand on heart, it's a genuinely brilliant little model, I was really impressed with it. And George, who is 2, took to it far better than he did the Siku version... So, bearing in mind they're both toys, and I gave both to a child, the child chose Britains... You just can't argue with that ;)

The hitch is still F*IN ABYSMAL though :o::):D :D :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

People seem to give RC2 a good bashing and are in their right to do so, but at the end of the day we are not being put at gun point to buy the products. Il like UH and Ros but it seems to have gone from the extreme of having fewer models on the market to a market flooded with models and from a collectord point of view it had become a high expence hobby. Britains dont just market collectors, but children which is a wider scope than UH so to expect as high detail from britains is to be dissapointed as they cant do both. Perhaps splitting the range into a highly detailed side and a side aimed at children is the answer. And to produce the models as they were in the 80's is just not cost effective these days, this is 2009 not 1984 and that fact must be accepted. If it were cost effective RC2 would be making them in Europe not China.

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They already have.... the Precision range... the problem is they sell theirs for a more realistic and sustainable price than UH do.... I have a nasty feeling UH will come unstuck way before RC2 do :-\

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I agree, everytime Uh have a new product you just feel get out the €50 note if you want it, granted the quality is second to none but now I walk into a shop and take three models home and €150 is gone in the blink of an eye, they produce everything the collector wants just you cant collect it now I feel.

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i dont buy britains  tractors after 98  a few implements i do , i just dont think these new tractors have the carictor of the old ones and i dont like the hitches on these new ones you cant get anything on them i had the new 5000 bought for me and i hated it ... you cant get anything on it

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