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My Model Builds - Past and Present.


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The 3 balers listed will all be completely scratchbuilt and ive the real MF10 here being restored and the welger is local, i just have to track down a 342a.....HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR TO ALL FROM VALLEY MODELS......  

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pictures of all my planned model builds for 2014 are now up on my website......it will be a case of doing the best i can to fit them all in around my day job and it,ll take all the spare time i can find....

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the DEUTZ FAHR FH900 and the DEUTZ FAHR KM22 mowers will soon be started, anyone who was after either of these two models then please contact me now as all parts and materials will be ordered tommorrow and the builds will begin mid week....

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the header has now been removed again and is in primered again and will be matched up with a better paint next time.its hard to match manufacturers paint sometimes and i found for the previous newer class models i done that the rover applejack was a very good match but the older class machinery was indeed a much lighter green and im hoping the class senator green will be much closer..

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lightland the grass is simply bought as imitation grass from a model shop in packets.......


Im currently awaiting paint to complete 2x yellow new holland 819 models and also paint for the above class header to complete it..meanwhile the deutz fahr km22 mower builds have began and plans to start the deutz fahr fh900 very soon also. Information is still being collected for the tong peal graders so ill take the opportunity to build the deutz fahr items before the grader builds begin... Howard rotavator rotors are also being fitted with their blades so these will be ready for when i go to build them, only 5 or 6 rotavators will be built....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Class header is now repainted and refitted and is much better in senator green although still not 100% but much better, pics soon......work is currently underway on deutz fahr km22s and deutz fahr fh900s and also 6 howard rotavators which are the version currently available on the market, now red and silver and made by kongkslide and my models are based on the heavy duty 700 series which have oil cooled gearboxes and heavy duty headstocks..5 are available for sale and are as follows     1x 80inch      2 x 140inch and 1 x 160inch     ill be keeping a 160inch version........        these projects are only underway because im still collecting info on the graders 

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thank you,s......at the minute ive no plans to make more..the problem is that the existing maize header doesnt come off, it is part of the forager and therefore must be carefully cut off and filed flat, this would mean that if i was to make more then id need every customers forager and id need to fit the new header to the model after cutting off the old one...I have a busy year ahead which has now began with 3 projects being worked on together and i had honestly just made the header for my own forager as i didnt like the maize header that came on it....

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A preview of the forthcoming HOWARD rotavators, these are the new type and i have 1 x 140 inch and 1x 160inch and this 80inch version left for sale from the batch of 6...Decals will be a few weeks and by that time the whole batch will be built and ready for them.





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It doesnt seem that quick when im making them though. The 819s were built over the Christmas holidays and painted just last week, the rotavators will be my 1st batch of complete model builds in 2014. The week i built the 80inch version you see pictured i started it on a sunday night by fitting the blades to the rotor, then every night the following week i worked at it for 3 and sometimes 4 hours and then it took me 5 hours on the saturday to complete it to painting stage, the painting didnt take long but because of the silver parts i had to individually spray them and the building up took around an hour and a half, the complete rotavator build takes around 20 hours and there is over 30 individual parts which i make myself,  now im at a batch of 5 and this slows things down but i prefer working on a batch at a time and always plan to never repeat that build again, although i have had to repeat a few in the past.Sometimes an evening can go past an ive very little to show at all as most of the time can be spent just figuring out a problem or how something is going to work, but i find that model building is about solving problems and there is always a way to be found but very often it does take time and trial and error. Very often when i start a new build i think ill not be long at this but then somewhere along the way problems are encountered and my timescale is thrown away off, its actually not very often i get a build that is problem free, they all create there own and often take a lot of figuring out, it certainly pushes the brain to the extreme sometimes...Ive also found its impossible to rush through a build, every build must be given the attention it deserves and this starts from the many hours researching and studying machines and very often tracking one down and paying a visit, it really never stops and ive machinery running through my head day and night, very often during a difficult stage in a build i find that from the moment i open my eyes in the morning its churning through and through my head until a solution is found.  Time is the single most important ingredient in model building, and boy it takes alot of it..

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That's true didn't think all the time first spent finding out about the model. I just wouldn't know where to start on some of the (well most of the things) you've built but I suppose that comes with experience, plenty of mistakes and like you say alot brain rattling. Just seems quick to me as I don't see any of that stuff before hand I just see a finished model from what you post.

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