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The Weather in General


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Can't see any weather at all... but it sounds like it's not raining... blinking typical as it's 2.44am and I have no reason to do anything outside at all ::)

Why are you still awake!?  :D :D :D

Currently misting outside...been on and off mist/rain pretty much since 10am. Not complaining though as it means I do not have to water the plants at work  ::)

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The problem with most weather forecasts is that they tell you their analysis of what's coming. Many years ago I saw a weather forecast which actually explained what the charts were showing, and what it all meant. Since then, I find, that I can predict the weather as accurately, if not more accurately, than many of the TV forecasts (particularly the UK forecasts - remember Michael Fish?).

Today I heard that the cause of the current problems is the fact that the Jetstream (a wind current waaaaay up in the stratosphere) is currently running about 200 miles south of where it should be. This is preventing the Azores High from coming up into the Bay of Biscay which would force all the Atlantic Storms to pass off to the North of us - which is where they normally go at this time of year.

The good news - if you are American - is that the dust from the Sahara which we normally get at this time of year (from the Azores High) is blowing out into the Atlantic and cooling the water, thus preventing any tropical storms from forming (these could end up as Hurricanes in the Gulf otherwise).

Here's tomorrows rainfall prediction from Met Eireann: (aka Noah 2.0)


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I feel sorry for all the folks getting flooded out in the UK.  :o

Over here (not gloating, I promise you!) for the last few days, the heat has been terrible. 40C / 100F with the humidex added in, it feels like 51C  :P

Crappy haying weather, it's so humid, there's hardly any drying at all. We got a good thunder storm last night, maybe that will clear things out.

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I feel sorry for all the folks getting flooded out in the UK.  :o

Over here (not gloating, I promise you!) for the last few days, the heat has been terrible. 40C / 100F with the humidex added in, it feels like 51C  :P

Crappy haying weather, it's so humid, there's hardly any drying at all. We got a good thunder storm last night, maybe that will clear things out.

Yes that is terrible flooding down in England Adam. Up in Aberdeenshire plenty rain but no flooding so we are lucky. The farmers up here would like to share some of your heat since hay making is terrible and some haven't even got the first cut of silage done which must be 3 to 4 weeks late.

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