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The Weather in General


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Beach weather today, way to hot to work, Got to 41.5 decress (110f about in old money) Had to cut down a 20ft pine tree down in sections with sun cream on and the sweat  all the shavings stuck to me need to vacum the ute out this weekend.

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well its stopped raining and all the water is still in the river luckily

It hasn't been great up here in North Yorkshire. I'm glad it's a dryer day today. We've had torrential rain for the last couple of days resulting in a lot of water logged farm land and localised flooding. There was a horrible accident close to the Moors not far from where I live yesterday, a lady in a Landrover Freelander was swept away after attempting to cross a fast flowing beck. :(

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wet and misserable here. calnt get cows and heffer out cus they are just churning the paddocs up and making a mess of the place. the slurry pit is almost overflowing on the dairy and both of the slurry pits have overflowed on the pig unit. we had to spread some of it yesterday on the crops but it just ruined them. no more rain PLEASE!!!

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Another hot one today, got to 39 at 3.30pm luckly its a bank holiday here today so all the family was at the beach, Its a hard life. When we got home our estate was covered in smoke there was a bush fire just south of us, We have a  what I would call a large pond at the bottom of the road and the helitankers were taken water from it. It was amazing to see them hovering about 10 feet above the water, Took some photos. They used the footie field next to the pond to fill up with fuel.



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We have only had 1mm of rain in about 90 days and things are so dry here and the hottest summer on record average temp was 33.1 thats including nights as well, thank goodness for air con. We have five helitankers in Western Australia this is the biggest one , a good old sea king fueling up


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