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some Dutch harvest action update 08/08/09


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nice pictures i must say, the alfa alfa harvestor looks impressive

just wondering is that a normal grain header they are using for the grass?? looks like the reels missing

the grass is swathed, there is a grass pickup insert in the header, like in the picture to pick up the swath.

the picture is from last year this header is on a TX  ;)


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great pictures!!!, thanks for posting!! :) :)

on the tulip pictures, what are the rolls of material? :-\

The bulbs are planted between 2 nets, when harvested these nets are being rolled up, these nets will be washed and used again.

The reason for growing bulbs like this is less soil in the crates because the machine pulls the bulbs up insted of digging them up.

I hope this makes some sense, if someone likes to jump in please, because my knowledge of growing tulips is limeted.

Here is a pic of a planter they use, (not my pic)

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That's a great selection of harvesting photo's, Erik. Really nice to see the tulip harvesting as that is something I will never see here. Also the grass seed harvesting, some people here just cut it when it is standing with a normal header but the change the knife to a special grass knife. The little 1530 looks great, something about it looks long though. I think it is because it has such small wheels on it.

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