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The Adventures of Marky and HATTIE the MF5480 - born 18th July 2009

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hmmmm...  That looks a bit like Dr Who's Tardis on its side you're carrying there Mark, You aren't going to be the Dr's next "companion" are you  :of

Nice little mower you have picked up by the way. I like the way the manufacturers tried to make the early ones look like the full size tractors - I think most of them did that years ago. Good provenance the little machine has too !

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hmmmm...  That looks a bit like Dr Who's Tardis on its side you're carrying there Mark, You aren't going to be the Dr's next "companion" are you  :of

Nice little mower you have picked up by the way. I like the way the manufacturers tried to make the early ones look like the full size tractors - I think most of them did that years ago. Good provenance the little machine has too !

thanks Mark.. Funnily enough Mrs F looks like some of the characters from Dr Who when she's not got her makeup on..... and when she has as well actually  :-[:P:)

Thanks for the compliments about Mow... she is a nice little tractor and, like you, I do like the fact that they made them look like their bigger cousins... I just need an MF1150 now as well  :P

Sean... borrowed the farmers JCBLoadall to load it up and take it off... and 2.2t it made her bark a little bit I can tell you  :of

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blimey 2.2 tons, surprised it aint tipped it up that much on the front  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I didn't want the boom out too far mate I cantell you that  :of

thanks Johnny... to the best of my knowledge this one is the only official import into the UK... some did get over here.. still do.. but few and far between I think. I do believe they sold them in France for a short time - can you confirm this please as you are our MF histroian formainland Europe  ;):P:-*

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I pulled my low loader in the local 'Over Carnival' today... just one picture to share as we ran out of time to make any more  :-[


Mavis was also in it... but I didn't take any pictures  :-[  so was one of my 7.5t trucks in actual fact... again no pictures  :-[

Needless to say... Hattie won  :P  ... much to the annoyance of some of the others.. village life gets a little competitive at times  :D :D :D :D  ... We won last year as well... I'm thinking about having it written on the bonnet  ::):D :D :D

just random here. but i saw a thing about this in atractor mag. think it was T&M

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just random here. but i saw a thing about this in atractor ag. think it was T&M

Tis true Domonic... I wrote about my carnival exploits in Classic Massey magazine recently... not the same photograph... but similar mate.. well spotted... that's AT LEAST 3 readers now we have.... you... me and my mum  :-[:P:)
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Tis true Domonic... I wrote about my carnival exploits in Classic Massey magazine recently... not the same photograph... but similar mate.. well spotted... that's AT LEAST 3 readers now we have.... you... me and my mum  :-[:P:)

OK i have to admit i also read it that makes it 4! ;)

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are you telling me you recieved a garden tractor sent to you in that container ? hate to see the postage cost for that & thats one hellish roll of bubble wrap to pack it out !  ;D ;D

:D :D  I suspect you are old enough to remember matchbox cars hey mate  :P  .. obviously I'm not  :-[

We really really need and FTF tractor run/meet up I reckon... especially if Sean pulls his finger out and gets a tractor as well... Johnny said he come over from Holland with Sandy too  :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well.. call me Mr Predictable... but I had a demo of a soil screener today... and you can guess what happened  ::) :'( .. anyway.... I am well pleased with my latest purchase which I think should add some decent value to the copious quantities of topsoil I still have left to sell (and always will have at the current rate of sales versus heap creation)..

It's basically a shaker shoe (engine driven) which you can cart around with the bucket (on site of course.. requires a trailer on the road obviously) .. The machine currently runs a 20mmx90mm screen which I'll be changing for a 20mm square.. but even with the current configuration it does a well handy job. Only problem is... it's made by the Americans... I made him promise me that old Pops didn't have anything to do with it before I bought it  :of:P:-*

I'm looking to add value to my products by mixing up lawn dressings (with sharp sand).. as well as making various kinds of mulch mixes.. I SHOULD be able to sell lots more (at a considerably higher monetary value) to garden centres and the likes now with this new 'uber-fine product'

Anyway.... no rela pictures of it in opearation as yet as I was simply too excited to take any pictures with it running... but you can see here how easy it is to haul around  :-[



and right in the distance... a trailer load of completed work... graded to perfection and looking good enough to eat  :of :of :P:-*

Any questions fire away... anyone wishing to place an order please do so after the tone............................ bleep  :)

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