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  Hi All my name is Gordy Schultz I own a 1/64th scratch built farm toy buisness called Toy Farmin'LLC. I have been in buisness for 27 years now. I like building what other people are not building. So I specialize in vegetable equipment, any kinds and all kinds I just can't seem to get enough. I have even built a 1/32nd stationary pea viner a while back.

  I also run a custom farming operation here in th U.S. I run a big square baling buisiness making 3x3x8ft bales and shorter. I got a new tractor and baler this year. I am running a Caseih puma 195 and a caseih 333 big baler, I have been doing this for 12 years now.

  Before that i was involved in the vegetable industry in the peas and sweet corn harvest division. I guess thats where I get the love for the vegetable equipment. I also collect brochures,  but only ones on vegetable equipment, they tell me I have one of the best collections around when it comes to this.

  I guess you could say i am a red man from Caseih to Massey to any kinds of four wheel drive tractors. Well I guess thats it, if anybody ever need help feel free to ask.


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welcome to FTF gordy sounds like a good operation you have ther , look forward to some pics of the real stuff as much as the small.

we know 1/64 is the scale a lot of you collect over the pond & have had various US members posting their display , the majority of us UK & euroland collectors are 1/32 so will be great to see the machinery you've built for your scale  :)

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