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Evenin all, my name is Paul and I'm from kent.

I saw a few layouts over the summer at the local country fairs and I was very impressed. I had a fair few Britains tractors and implements as a lad which have all gone to the toybox in the sky now :(

Anyway, I'm looking for a new hobby and I may well get into this. I know burger all about farming so I may have to do a variation on a theme  ;)

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welcome to ftf paul, really hope you enjoy your time on here mate, any questions feel free to pm either marky ferguson, or marshman, our dedicated helpers for new members, or any of us other mods ,listed in blue or via the staff list tab at the top of the menu ,and we will try and help

so what part of kent are you in, i was born in dover many moons ago :D :D :D

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welcome along to FTF paul , most of us here know burger all about farming either & most of us are farm workers , ex-farm workers & a few members are farmers  :D :D but as such is life we all learn more  :)

the only thing you really need to have here is a good imagination for what you want to achieve & a healthy bank account for trying to achieve it  :D after a month here your imagination will be completely random at best & a severly depleted bank account after trying to achieve what you thought you wanted  :D :D :D :D

good luck mate , & welcome again to a whole new world  ;)

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well I'm a definite for the 'buger all' department... in fact... I'd put myself up for chair person  :D :D

Welcome indeed Paul... you'll have EVEN more fun in your collecting as you learn farming ways and methods along the way. I know I do  ;D

As above... if you need any help please feel free to contact any of us that Sean mentioned.  Please keep us posted on your progress, we'd all enjoy watching your collection start and grow.

So.. first questions

Arable or livestock farming ??? or mixed of course ???

Big farm or Little farm ???

Do you have a farm to model your collection on ???

Do you have any preference to brands (of machinery) ???

Will you stick to 1:32 scale only ???

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As I have a heck of a lot to learn I thought I'd start small.

My plan is to start with a model of a workshop/engineering firm first. It will be a

walled yard including  basic barn or shed with a few out buildings.

I want to have a couple of vans and several tractors in different state of repair and some for sale.

I chose this as there used to be one like this in the village I lived in when I was a nipper.

Tractors of choice would be Leyland Marshalls as these were what the firm had back then but They seem a little thin on the ground.

I'm gonna need so much advice as I have no idea where to start, where to buy my gear from etc  ???

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Well flippedy diddle my diddle! Workshop I hear you say?!  :o;D  :D

My favourite part of any model farm is the farmshop as your imagination can run riot and you can include so much to make it messy, busy, well used. . .  etc just like a real one or indeed very smart and formal like a dealership.

I've built an older style workshop on my model farm "Leverets Farm" and now my ongoing but never actually going project is this badboy http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=7216.msg480127#msg480127   http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=7216.msg460904#msg460904


fellow member Jez has also at JAG Contracting


Graham (Kent based) has built a number for himself and for sale too. http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=24441.msg480534#msg480534

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All in 1/32, Paul.

I have used 1/12 dolls house slate roof tiles for flag stones in that barn. Damien hand shaped and laid 6000 bricks in his real stone model barn and Graham found scale doves from Wedding cakes to be suitable as residents in his model farm. . .

Imagination. That's it in a nutshell. :) What isn't in a nutshell are the lengths people can go in the name of realism. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Paul,

I replied to this topic when we had the "new" forum so it got lost. 

If you want advice or inspiration then this is the place for it plus you will make a lot of friends.  Really great bunch of guys and gals and I often instigate a Group Hug. In fact I shall do so now

love0075.gifGROUP HUG love0075.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, here we go!

I've set a space up ready to start by build but I'm struggling to get started  :(

I want to start from the ground up so my first question is where to get some ground!!! As I'm starting with a workshop area first I want a concrete yard with a grassy border and a mud/soil area in the corner. Where can I get this stuff from?

Next stage is the barn/building. Where are these bought from?

Finally I'd like a brick wall enclosing the area, guess what the question will be regarding this  ;D

Sorry for being a pain but I really dunno where to start.

thanks in advance


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Concrete is something I am struggling with because I need a non-abrasive surface for my old models but I am pretty sure you will get some ideas from the lads.

Now as for grass - look at the model railway shops/websites for scenic materials.  Many types are available and I prefer Javis grass mat which is flock grass on a paper backing and comes in 4 metre rolls and is ideal for basic grass and a base to add to.  It holds paint too -water colour/poster paint -  if you want a muddy/worn area

Gaugemaster do packs of "rough" grass (looks like a pan scourer in the pack) which can be teased and stretched to look realistic if used over grass mat.  I know some people have used this to make a well-maintained hedge by using it "as is" folded over a piece of card.  Rough grass comes in Autumn Gold as well as green.

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My concrete is Polyfilla which is a doddle to do. One problem is any edges can chip away. I have recently found something which maybe a lot better though. Also, textured paint can work if brush painted on thick. Your brush will leave lines in it like tampered concrete ;)

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For soil you can use real soil mixed with a little PVA to get it stuck down maybe? Havn't tried that one myself though. For walls, Tamiya do a 1/35 brick wall set but you will need a main few packs! Printed paper is your best bet, do a Google or search ebay as there are companies who offer a print it yourself deal where you can choose the scale. In shops the scale is often too large.

For buildings, again Google will bring up a couple of names. Member 'graham' may be able to help, George Poole is the man for older buildings. Or, build them using profile from www.ema-models.co.uk

Always happy to help Paul. :)

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