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project Magnum 335

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One look at the summer released Magnum 335 prestige edition convinced me that if I wanted a top notch model of one I would have to make it myself!!  The only difference with the 335 and 310 apart from the decals was the stupid wide spacing of the rear wheels >:(  those of you who have a JD8330 model will no what I mean.  So I made the decision to canabalise my existing 310 and bought a american 335 version with 8 wheels and promptly pulled that too pieces as well ;D  The idea is to use best parts from both plus incorporate some additional items and touches of my own to create the most realistic Magnum possible ;):D

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So I started with the 310 body above but Obviously wanted the 335 decals,  I also wanted the additional "20years Magnum" decal that was only available on 2008 spec tractors to celebrate the original Magnums introduction in 1988.  This decal only appears on the 8 wheel dealer edition model which is to americanised for my liking.  So I removed its bonnet and fitted onto my existing model.

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Now if you have the 310 magnum you will know its basically one of Britains best efforts todate but you may also think those front tyres are a bit skinny for a 300hp tractor!  So for the 335 I chucked away the tyres and fitted a nice pair of siku ones donated from an Axion 850 :) as seen below.

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Now for the next step I wanted a pair of rear wheel weights that the vast majority of 300hp Magnums have fitted as standard and for this I got the help of fellow member MB TRAC who made some up to my specification and did a super Job :)  On receipt of them I took a little plastic out of the back of them as the models wheels are quite curved,  this enabled the weights to fit a little snugger after they had been painted and glued.

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Ive posted a pic of a brand new Magnum below which has the wheel weights on it.  Yes I no the 8 wheel model came with its own weights but they werent up to scratch and got binned ;D

Tomorrow I will start on the cab which will be getting more realistic beacons a telephone aerial and the removal of its trimble satalite box and replacement with a John Deere version 8)

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Hi everyone and thanks for kind words :)  In answer to a couple of questions I didnt use Claas Axion rear tyres because firstly ive fitted them to my JD9530 ;D  secondly I suspect they would be too wide and may snag on mudguards and thirdly the britains originals are same width as siku Axions front tyres which I prefer.

As for my decision to replace the trimble GPS box on the roof its because Im not keen on it, also I have seen quite a few JD GPS recievers on other makes this harvest incuding a couple of Claas Lexions and a fleet of MFs ;)  One of which is pictured below and is where I got my inspiration from.

Apparently the JD transmitter is on an American armed forces satellite orbitting the earth and this explains why it is so superior to every other manufacturers offering who dont have this unfair advantage;)

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Ive tried to replicate the JD gps system on the MF by useing one I removed from an ertl JD along with a bent nail :D  and a small nut and bolt through the cab roof into a hole drilled into the GPS plastic.

I then glued it all together and painted horizontal part of bar JD green.

Ive also replaced the crap beacons and used a phone aerial of a Mcmac 175 :)

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Due to a few unseen matters all descending on me at once and my inability to find any decent materials from which to make a toolbox Ive decided to just add a couple of final touches and leave the 335 as it is :)  firstly a little copper paint has been added to top section of the exhaust to give it that "used effect" well it is a 2008 edition after all :D  and also ive run it through some cement powder to achieve the "ive been out lugging a simba solo all day" working appearance ;)

Anyway this tractor has immediately gone onto the front of my tillage train which includes a variocast rapeseed hopper and has several hundred "mini acres" of carpet to drill ;D  and should be a little bit quicker than last years unballasted 310 model :D

Here are a few pictures.

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