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Joe's new European farm!


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I know I've never completed anything layout wise, but I am in a better position to get something done now, having had a move around and a clear out, and have settled on this idea of a large German/French arable (cereal/beet) operation.  The main reason for choosing this and not a UK is I have a fair bit of tackle which would not appear in our lanes.

Anyway, what I was thinking Tractor wise was to have the JD 9530T on the seed drill, and then a pair of 8340T's and Vaderstad topdowns for the main tillage work; I would also keep a plough in reserve, which could also run off one of the 8340's...the idea is for something of around 10000 acres, so can anybody suggest anything else I might need?

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the reason i replied joe is i am now in a position to go up into my attic,checked up on my neihgbours attic who has a train layout,so im starting from scratch,i need to put lighting up first,proper insulation and floor it out and im going to base my layout on the 6000 acre arable farm i used to work on,my prime movers will be a 3800 and 3300 xerion for drilling and cultivating work and an axion 850 with quadrant,1 lexion 600,all the other bits i will then have to get,same list as i posted up,sp sprayer, water bowser etc,plus sheds buildings ,diesel tanks etc ,cant wait to start ,hopefully lights going up next week

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What I have at the moment includes:


Claas Lexion 600

JD T670i


JD 9530T

JD 8340T

JD 7930

NH T7060

Ford FW-60

Ford FW-30


Vaderstad 800C rapid drill

Dangreville Trailer

Maupu Trailer x 2

Lemken Plough

Lemken Cultivator

Simba Discs

Amazone Centaur

Will hopefully trade in the Lemken, Simba and Amazone for 2 Topdowns.  Possibly will get another T670i and hopefully the Ropa Beet harvester.

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No, won't go too mad mate, no more than 6/7 tractors I reckon - perhaps a few 'foreign' ones to help out now and then.  Maybe have a few bits of disintegrating stuff around the place too...derelict FW to support the 2 runners that sort of thing...

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I have seen a convo of a 9530T with Siku hitch which tempts me - should I get this or stick with the one I have?  Not sure which mounted implements could be used to be honest.

No mate, stick to the drawbar power.

I would have an 8530 and the big gregoire besson plough for the ploughing duties ;)

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I shouldn't think you would be applying granular fertiliser on 10k acres so for your 5430i you would have bunded tanks dotted around the land. You'd have premixed chemical delivered to be used almost immediatly. At least one more Lexion 600 or similar output combine. Plough on rotation with an 8530 and break it down with a Carrier like Jez and Jack said. A loader tractor would indeed be handy but with 10k and big yards you could put a loader on a bigger tractor like the 7?30 series. You would possibly need a second Topdown too depending on the working of the beet ground.  Even with a 7m you could nee two! And with that 6m drill which is going to eat the acres you have to stay ahead. Service truck with air, fuel, power and asscociated tools to go to stricken machinery instead of hauling it back to the farm. Big beet drill. Tanker harvester. Trucks to haul beet away from the field, one or two would be fine or hookloaders on Fastracs with umpteen skips to swap. Loading machinery, Liebherr? . . . .

See how you get on with that for a minute! :D

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I was needing an excuse to get the 8530!  I'll skip the siku hitch 9530T, and stick to the one I have.  I have a New Holland LW190 loader, would that do instead of a loader tractor?

Thanks for the food for thought Tris!!  :D

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Joe, if i had 10,000 acres i would have to use the Amazone spreader.... only way to spread!!

Needs the GPS though.

Also, you need a telehandler for grain handling. I would say the only way to go is JCB but up to you......

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He won't be need a telehandler with that NH with a 4t bucket on 8)

I did almost suggest the amazone but thought he could do it all with the JD to save a few pennies. Poor chap will have a nervous breakdown before he has even begun at this rate! :D :D

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