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Chaser bins - are they worth it???


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Chaser bins allow the  farmer to manage the haulage logistics more efficiently and reduce damage to the soil. There is no rule written to say a chaser bin has to be a huge purpose built machine. You could fit out an old high lift trailer with flotation tyres and a capacity to take one combine bin full and do as a large farming operation in Eastern England. Calculate the time it takes to unload a Lexion 600 and compare to the cutting capacity. You will soon see why it pays to unload while cutting. Go to direct drilling and you can't be subsoiling, ploughing etc to do remidiale work to the soil. Super single tyres are way more damaging than most other tyres. Fit out all your grain trailers with flotation tyres and scrub them on the road, you'll soon find a chaser bin is cheaper. It is vital to calculate the entire system, the chaser bin must be able to hold the combine bin plus the grain harvested while unloading or multiples of this amount. Likewise the trailers should be the correct size, always respecting the 24 tonne gros max weight of tractor and trailer combined on UK roads. Let the combine empty on the headland only and you need extra capacity or more machines.

Air assisted sprayers help reduce drift and enlarge the spray window oppurtunities. Chemical reduction with CDA application was used in the 1980's with success.

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sure chaser bins have a use an expensive one is what im saying, there are cheaper ways to the solution. Like i said who says they reduce compaction, just because they have wide tyres dont mean to say they reduce compaction. Wide tyres create alot of drag the balance between weight and speed is critical.

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The compaction is caused by the pressure of the tyre, flotation tyres run at low pressures and hence less compaction. Tracks spread the weight over a larger footprint just like flotation tyres. A tractor on Terra tyres marks the ground less than the same tractor on row crop tyres. If they had the same effect why fit out the sprayer tractor with wide tyres when the ground is soft. Why fit wide tyres to the combine if narrower ones will do? How much does an extra combine cost if you don't want a chaser bin? Direct drilling and controlled traffic systems benefit from chaser bins. If you can direct drill and hence save loads on fuel and cultivation and maximise combine output then your chaser bin more than pays for itself. OK your combine could spend more hours to harvest your crop but then your drying costs could go up and grain quality drop resulting in huge financial loss.

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so if your average sized farmer conractor is running say two lexion's, and has a mile to haul grain to store it, he would be better running a chaser bin on something tracked, and using 2 or 3 trailers to haul on the road, than to have 4 or 5 tractor and trailer or lorry units waiting field side???

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possibly that example was a bit leniant!!!!! If the grain had to be carted 10-15 miles, or was a contractor hauling from varying distances, would he be best with a chaser bin then??

For a product with so many benefits, the concept doesn't seem tohave caught on.....

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Well I live in the big west in America my family in Canada have 5000 acres, lots of grain...hence big trucks are needed to haul that much grain into town to the grain elevators that are always near railroad tracks to haul the grain to the mills.  When I work on the family farm in Washington I drove a truck, we had four in the field with two combines moving all the time.  We unloaded on the move and my truck was used to take grain into town to the elavators.......A chaser would never work on such large farms...sometimes our fields were 6 miles apart so we had to run down the road and then to the ranch at times since we had our own elavator. 

I seen what you call chasers we call them grain carts if I understand the concept....seen them on small farms in the mid west......

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