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Can I ask if it is legal for VAT to be added onto the final price of an Ebay auction? I was of the opinion that this was a practice that Ebay stopped a couple of years ago and that any VAT had to be included in the sale price.

The reason I ask is that I am looking at a Wiking model which has previously sold for £30 and now that it has been relisted the seller is saying that VAT is to be added to the final price  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :( :( :(

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I guess sellers who normally sell over the counter to other VAT reg'd business are treating eBay like a normal auction. The Brightwells 4x4 auction entries have 3 classifications for VAT. 1. VAT included in price, 2. VAT to be added to price 3. No VAT applicable [where VAT has already been paid on original purchase and none reclaimed / can be reclaimed]

From last year though, all eBay sales were classed as VAT included.....


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My personal belief is that he wants to list the item as cheaply as possible to attract more views/bids but that he doesn't actually want to sell it for that price. The 15% is not for VAT, it is so that he can make more profit out of the deal and not sell it at the bargain basement price >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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