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The McConnell was made by Ciaran and was a work of art  8) 8) 8)

JDman, yes I know the result but in the best traditions I will let Andy publish once he has told the respective winners ;) ;) ;) ;)

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sounds like a good day out going by reports, cant wait to see andys pictures, although marky is usally first to get some up ;D ;D ;D

I think we may need to wait for Andy as Marky took quite a few.........but with Andy's camera ;) ;)

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Just landed  ;)

All in all pretty solid show for a first bash and the weather certainly didn't help the attendance figures  :-\

By gum it was hot in that hall today  ;)

But all of us weirdos that were present had a good laugh mainly at poor old croked Marky's expense  ;)

Oh and Bumcrack Steve as he will now be known  ;)

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Oh and Bumcrack Steve as he will now be known  ;)

And I had to stand at look at that all day, for gods sake buy him a belt next time please........where is the "being sick" smiley :-[:-[ :-[

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What was that about an old Fool.. Smithfield is London's meat market... Spitalsfield is London's F & V market.

As for the camea incident.. I think Mike swapped it truth be known... I may well report his actions to the police  >:(:P:D :D

Seriously... Personally.. I thought the show was very good... great venue (a little warm in the main room though it has to be said).... it was great to see a lot of familiar faces too.. special thanks from me, as always to Damien and Hazel for spoiling me again... Potted Beef is in the fridge at work and will be tomorrows breakfast  ;D:-*:-*  ... as for the Pork Pie... I will be boring everyone tomorrow with what a REAL porkie pie should taste like  :-*:-*

The competition entries were great too... every entry was of a professional standard I must say.

As always I didn't do much to help Andy  :-[  ... but I did witness Model Farmer literally flying off the table.  I spoke to a few people about issue 14 and 15 and each and everyone was FULL of praise for the quality of this publication - well done to all those involved in Model Farmer.  Mike worked his socks off I must also add... I'd never win salesman of the day with him around that's a fact  :D :D

All in all... a good show.. and a good day I reckon

Seems I'm the old fool Mark....at least I got the "park" bitty right ;) ;)

Could you get me some "potted meat" the next time you swing past Smithfield then ;D ;D

Looking forward to seeing some of the 600 photos and I'm most pleased Mike excelled himself as a salesman. I think we may have found him a job when he retires from the force ??? ???

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The McConnell was made by Ciaran and was a work of art  8) 8) 8)

JDman, yes I know the result but in the best traditions I will let Andy publish once he has told the respective winners ;) ;) ;) ;)

Having seen some of these models in separate posts the job of judging a winner would not have been an easy task. As far as I'm concerned they are all winners. I would not have the patience or skills to attempt anything like what these guy's have achieved.Well done to them all is all I can say.

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Seems to have been a good response to the show in general. As Barry said, the weather didnt help, but those that did visit seemed quite satisfied. There was a good selection of displays and traders so plenty for everyone.

We had a very good day and as has been said, the Model Farmer mags appeared to go down very well again. A very big thanks has to go to Mike (robbo) for doing a sterling job at helping me on the stand. Even though he managed to wipe his spending money out before 9am!  ;) 

Well done to all of you who entered the competition. There were some very nice entries as I'm sure you know, making it quite hard to judge winners. With the help of PDC we were able to pick the top 3 in each category which I will announce later on today.

Thanks to Mike I was able to go round and take LOTS of images, which I am downloading on to the computer at the moment. Hopefully they have come out ok, so will upload in a seperate topic later this morning.

Finally good to see so many FTF faces about, both visitors and traders. Some new members should hopefully be joining too after talking to us yesterday!  :)

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cheers guys i had a good day

as for the bumcrack  i was workin so hard and its was warm in the room i was losing weight buy the second  :-*:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

next time i will wear my speedos  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

nice to meet every one too

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