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My new layout MF dealership (not finished)

Johny mf

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Thanks for all the nice reply´s!

I seen youre article in the MF News magazine Mark! congratulations!

Here are some update photo´s off the stuf ive got from Filius (Jurgen)




An overal vieuw from outside in the showroom :D


From the front


From the showroom into the eating area/office


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Wel the work benches come from a store called Action they suply every thing from kitchen stuf to toy´s to gardensets

All that for a low budget!

Here is the site: of the EU

Dont know if they suplie to Engeland or so???


The furniture come´s from Filius modelfarms from germany

Thanks for the reply´s

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  • 6 months later...

Well not much done on the layout lateley :-[

But i got a new edition to it and you already could seen it in the new purchase topic but here it finaly is on the layout!

Had to put a dirty tractor whit it ofcourse! (the power washer of mandy is the newest adition to the lay out just to point it out that is new on the lay out i think it is fantastic thanks Mandy!)




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Thanks Paul and Mandy

I have some model stil in the box that i wheaterd that i only take to shows but now whit the power washer i think i can´t make more dirty one´s because the people are going to think the power washer dousnt work :P

I am thinking to get a bigger space to build the dealer ship up whit a bigger yard and a bigger shed/workshop showroom!

But first i must confince my girlfriend for it! :P:-\

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Thanks for the reply´s

Yeah i know what you mean Sean they had a hard life and you can see that on the 2 tractors (!200,590)

I think the need an restauration :-[  (ofcourse after a good clean whit the power washer :P )

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:-[:-[ :-[ It was me whit my BMW :-[:-[ :-[:P :P

A line up of some nice second hand 3000´s at the dealership :D


The 3080 on the leftsite was just in so the mecanic wanted to wash it before it took the picture´s so i said to late! :P :P


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Thanks for the reply´s

I like the baler but i think it is way to expencive for what you get!

The pickup can´t move that where a bit disapointing for me

For the rest it is super detailed.

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