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Proposed visit to Stewart Trailer factory, Aberdeenshire


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I had a PM from Jay and unfortunately those months are not good for his final year at University. He said his mate from Ellon would be keen and he said that Matt had some suggestions for Farm tours in the area. I suppose there are some fairly large farms out the Ellon way ??? ???

Would anyone be interested in that....but I not organising those but would be willing to attend ;) ;)

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i'd be up for it if the dates booked are in my school half term.

Well Mark tell me when half term is and I'll see what I can do ;) ;)

It's a fair hitch hike from Kendal though...seriously how would you plan getting up there ??? ???

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i hope jim agrees to the visit, as whilst helping with the harvest up until last year the farm operated four stewarts trailers and also have two tri axle stewart low loaders so it would be interesting to see the factory where built and as for the dates as long as i have a couple of weeks notice id put in a holiday form and enjoy the 2/3 hour drive up country

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope to see Jim Stewart at the Deeside & Steam vintage rally in two weeks time so I will ask him about a visit.

Anyone else interested who did not see the post firt time round ??? ???

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Depending on the date, I would love to make the trip.  I would guess Borders to Aberdeen would be about 4 hours.  Trailer might even make an outing....  Keep me updated on the dates.

Thanks Bill

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That would be the icing on the cake if you could make a visit for the viewing of the factory with model too Ian ;) ;)

I will certainly keep you posted. I know you were going to be sending me a disc with photos for the article for Model Farmer but in the interim would you mind emailing me with a few high resolution photos so I can print off on A4 and show them to Jim Stewart please ??? ???

My email address is


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Many many thanks for sending some photos Ian. I have printed off on just normal A4 photocopier paper and they look great. I'll take them along to the local rally at Milton of Crathes just 5 miles up the road and hope Jim Stewart is there on the Scottish County Club Stand. I could email him but I would prefer to take the photos and show him and then ask him about a proposed visit. Jim is into County's being a trained ford mechanic with Aberdeen Tractors at Bucksburn just outside Aberdeen. It would look good if we could get a 1/32 Blue County attached to the trailer ;) ;)

You don't have a Blue County do you Ian :-\ :-\ ...a 1174 or 1454 or a 744 preferred ;) ;)





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I don't know off hand Tris...I just Pm'd Ian asking if you could email me high res ones so I could show Jim Stewart A4 photos.....just ataster for Jim ... to ask can we see your factory  ;):)

All I can say is the photos look brilliant and I am hoping Ian can make the journey North with trailer so Jim and the rest of the FTF members we can get there on the night can see it in the flesh.

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Ok folks we have a target list of 10 including myeslef and here are the proposed dates I will be asking Jim about.



Jay’s pal ….jaywilli7610

Big A


mr softie





October 2010

Thursday 7th or 14th

Monday 11th or 18th

Tuesday 12th

November 2010

Tuesday 2nd

Thursday 4th

Monday 15th or 29th

Tuesday 16th or 23rd

Thursday 11th / 18th or 25th

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Hi Guys,

Sorry I havent been in touch, busy with house move and bits and bobs, anyway any date in October is good except the 7th as I only get home that morning. Hope this helps, by the way the trailer looks ace BC !!!!!!!

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I met with Jim Stewart today as he unloaded his 3 County's at Banchory today and showed him photo's of Agriums trailer. Well he was very very impressed and when I asked about a factory visit he said no problem. I left him the photos and the list of proposed dates and he took my home and mobile number. He said it was his wife Mandy who organised any visits so I will get in touch with her next week since well she doesn't attend vintage shows.

Jim said he would take up to a max of 20 folk but so far we only have a maximum of 10 including myself.

Anyone else out there interested ??? ???

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