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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Well this wasnt today but just over week ago and another topic reminded me of it

Well theres one slightly mentally challenged kid on our course and cant drive a tractor at all (not saying i can :D ) well he goes cant wait till next harvest 8 or so hrs a day hauling grain or ploughing gonna be great just right i just turned round and went what planet are you on you'll be doing double that 7 days a week non-stop till its all done and his face dropped and he said your lieing everyone in my class turned round and pi$$ed themselfs laughing cause they couldnt believe how nieve he was  :D :D  you had to be there really

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brrrring brrrrring. . .


"Ah Huwo cood I speak wiv a mista fwy pwease?"

"Yeah sure just hold I'll go and get him"

She is still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I do that at work when we get telemarketers..........Hang on I'll find the person you need to speak to..........  :D :D :D :D :D

My boss suggested putting a web cam in the front office so people could see what was going on at our office. I advised that wouldn't be a good idea as people would get confused with what we are selling. He asked me what I meant, I said if they saw us lot on cam they would think we are some kind of low budget porn film makers  :D :D :D

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Bet he/she's got the old Thai Curry out whilst waiting  :D

Still there?

one of the guys at work is on a suspended final warning (3 years) for comments like that luke, or very similar, dopy sod said it infront of the area manager who happens to have ethnic relations up north

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