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Bob's Brochures

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Well guys will be posting up all my brochures that I have picked up over the years most of them are MF one's but a few others in there to for the none MF fan's :D


First up my 699 Brochure








MF 698T







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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice collection of brochures! That Sampo m-tiller looks an intresting bit of kit cant say ive ever seen anything like that before


Thanks MF Boy yeah the Sampo isnt something that you see everyday



Some good stuff there bob


Thanks Pete some nice MF stuff for ye more stuff to come :D

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Fantastic selection of brochures you're putting together Bob. That Sampo cultivator looks remarkabley similar to the Bomford Turbo Tiller. :)


Thanks David yeah your spot on with the Tiller

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Some more good additions bob, think i might join in and show my brochures. At the minute there tucked away in a cupboard. Bit of a waste really


Ah Pete you need to get them out of the cupboard and let us see them :D

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