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Photos from around Edinburgh


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Well I don't live on a farm but I enjoy photography and tractors and so why not put the 2 together.  


I was out on my bike yesterday and I saw these:


First off a John Deere 8530 with a simba cultivator, bit of a beast that deere though it looked like it was needing a bit of ballast on it, it was bouncing about over the furrows like a boat on a rough sea!








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Nice JD Andrew she does look like she needs some more weights on the front links. Did the farm with the grimmie sp have one similar before. Saw one harvesting just outside Edinburgh last year


Thanks JDeere6910, I'm not really sure, the photo was taken just next to the A90 near South Queensferry, so if you saw it near there it is possible.  Not entirely sure who farms that area as they all seem quite widely spread round here

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