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Silage in your area.

justy 46

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Its almost that time of year again. The weather has held things back ,but any day soon the mad rush will be on. So I posted a few vids of the local contractors in my area of Dripsey and Coachford Co Cork doing what they do best. SILAGE .Feel free to post up vids the action in your area.

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You beat me to it! Just saw an MXU mowing grass ahead of an upcoming steam fair a thought I'd start this years silage topic!

Well I had seen a Claas Jag with a few NH TMs at it yesterday in the Bandon area of Cork . So I said to myself. Its time!
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The green fever has started. Saw our local grass drying man picking up on the first of May. Nothing done since other than a photo on facebook of the farm we buy calves from, their massive silage team was starting today.

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Silage down here in Cornwall started around the 1st of May but hasnt really kicked off like it usualy dose, but the few people that have done theres didnt have too bad crops but defently no way near as much grass round as last year!

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well the contractor i work for is still waiting was ment to start last monday but rain has pusponed it but got a few farms ready to go now and the new jd 7980 :P is waiting in the shed to join its sisters a 7950 and 7850 at chopping but so far in the area only one large farm has cut about 250 acre due to it being short of silage for the 2000+ cows but thats about it for the min :/ 

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Who owns the gear in True Grit Justin? I know the other 3,Andrew Riordan,Cronin Bros and Buckley Bros.

Mike & Dan Crowley. They do their own silage & don't contract out. But they have a tidy little outfit.  Andrew has one of the most colourful fleets around. JDs .NHs & Valtras. Each trailer matchs the colour of the tractor.

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suddenly seems to have exploded into action the top end of cornwall where i work ,been overtaking loads of rigs running arround with full trailers today on the way home, inc one jd that appeared to have a terminal issue judging by its speed on the hill, the smoke coming out of the stack, and the noise it was making :laugh:  :laugh: :laugh: , also sat watching a nh and a mf, both with big strausman self loader trailers the opposite side of the valley to me, to far away to get pics, but well within my binos to watch, prob only the 2nd time i have seen them this way, and then 2 in one go 

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Mowing round at work today, lifting tomorrow. No pictures of the mowing. Hopefully if "Click Click" (walterderwent) isn't too hungover tomorrow there will be some pictures of the lifting

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Fair bit of grass down and cleared now around Wiltshire and Somerset and even the slurry injecting is under way. Boss went out mowing off some leys for a customer this week past so I may be on wrapping if he needs me early part of this week :)

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