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orchard farm and contractors !

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Finally after the deluge of rain on Friday and now nearly a 3rd day without any rain , the wheat tested at 3 o clock this afternoon and a moisture of 16% the combine rolled out the shed and into the 1st field of wheat ! probably not for long as rain forecast again for weds/thurs  but at least weve made a start , the balers will be in tonight when a good chunk is off so then weve got nothing left on the ground to get wet !! tomorrow should see the balers go off to ashill for Alex , just waiting for the go ahead ! Also a phone call from Alex this morning should see   2 tractors and trailers booked in to help Alex with spud hauling its gonna be a tight week on the tractor front ,so I expect a few phone calls later will see a couple hire tractors make there way into the yard .with the sticky weather earlier we decided to put the hedge trimmer on and tidy up around a few of the stubble fields ! Lets hope we can get harvest well under way this week !!!!!


Good pictures and topic but I hope DEFRA don't read it as you posted it on the 17AUG and you cant cut hedges till the 1st September keep up the good work


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Yeah your right chaps , you can apply for special deregations , especially  if you push the safety aspects to the edge of reason , and of coarse like alex and pat have said special circumstances !!! No worries smithy  see where your coming from !


Thanks for post did not want to see you lads get fined by DEFRA as that means you have less to spend on you FARMS  


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Well were nearly there the end of harvest 2015 , tomorrow should see the last day for the combine barring any breakdowns , we've got 65 acres left out of a total of 1050 ! The last 25 acres have been a pig with a couple niggly stoppages for broken sections due to soft ground conditions and variable weed , but all in all we've had a pretty good harvest ,apart from the weather now and then !!! The balers should be finished off by Friday night , just a jaunt up to Dobles at hurcott for Alex and then back in the yard for a service and washdown before off baleing 3rd cut silage next week ! Just a chance tonight to get in the potato shed and have a tidy up before potato digging starts in a week or so .






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With the balers pulling out of the last of the straw baling on Friday night , and the weather forecasters getting the weather completely wrong , we decided to send 1 baler up to Hill farm and start baling 60 acres of 3rd cut silage for Donald brown , this was followed swiftly by a phone call asking us to send up a loader and trailer to shift bales asap as they were still busy hauling straw . Next week should see us on the last cut of silage with around 900 acres booked in so far .





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Some excellent baling and bale logistics work again this year by Orchard i must say on behalf of Oakley Farms. All our rape was drilled on time and we weren't held up one moment with straw or bales left on the ground so a well done to you and your team. Same time next year? You know the drill ;)

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Nice storyline again Julian. So how does that work with you guys for silage? You accumulate customers' acreage and then attack it all at once? Here it's usually hit and run. Local contractor here down the road from me (the biggest in the area) has 4 foragers and 4-5 wagons I believe. The dairy farms are relatively large round here.

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Thanks guys , Well niels we have our core of customers before the season starts aswell as our own farm silaging , then it seems to pick up as the season progresses and you mite gain a few here and there , so its just a case of trying to fit in everybodys work within the timescale  and work loads . This area seems to be quite good for other contractors we can call on for when we get really pushed and then vice versa if others need a hand and were available we will go in and lend a hand . There is a contractor close to us that just mainly works 2 foragers for 2 farms , but we tend to look around and offer a package to new customers to build up a reliable customerbase . As the size of the dairys its all different sizes some family run and then the more commercial bigger dairies which bring in other various jobs for the team to do !

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With the combine and the last of the balers back in the yard time for a wash down and then pack away for the winter , a good job done ,Now time to get the hedgetrimmers on full time for the foreseeable future and endless days of staring at the green stuff ! Perhaps tomorrow we can start potatoes , today we had a little play around and went in to top some stalks off ,really just to see what were faced with before the calvelry arrive !! Tomorrow will see 2 tractors and drivers off to Oakley to help Alex out on hauling duties if these damn showers hold off for long enough !!





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How did the massey perform this year Julian?

Not too bad Alex , being a lot smaller than the old lexion a lot easier to manoeuvre around the lands , Ideal for a hire machine and back up from Coles spot on ! We look to next year to see what machine will arrive wether it be a hire machine or we look to buy depending on how much corn we decide on putting in .

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Yesterday saw us start potato digging , a good start and hopefully trouble free is whats needed before we get caught up in the circus of maize harvesting ! all seems to be coming out of the ground well so far ideal soil conditions and not too much waste for the digger and the gang back on the grader .With overnight rain decided to get the tanker & injector down to the AD Plant and get some much needed dirty water out on some silage grounds , ground conditions not ideal on the grass but no other option as stubble grounds a bit too tacky to say the least . Back in the yard the forager is in the workshop having its corn cracker serviced and maize header serviced ready for the green light to cut some maize







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Enjoyed the update as per normal Julain. how much waste will an AD plant the size of yours produce a year?

Be honest Pat were all on a learning curve , our AD Plant is producing 1.5 mw , so as to producing digestate per year its a bit up in the air , as to feeding the tank were putting in around 20 -25 tonne a day . Another AD plant down the road is a 2mw and there feeding theres at 25 - 30 tonne a day and there constantly hauling trailer loads of digestate awy ! On the other hand another AD plant slightly further up the road is eating twice as much but there constantly having to shut down and restart as they dnt seem to have the balance right , were all learning !!!!We have the option to go bigger with expanding but all depends how things plan out

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Potato digging at a fair old pace now , after 2 days of digging into trailers , this morning loading up boxes ready for digging tomorrow and putting straight in the cold store , A little trip down to halses this morning saw us bring back the 2 fligel trailers ready for next week when some maize starts to come off , this deal was agreed in principle with Alex and Halses rep back in may up at grassland southwest !The spreaders back in the yard after a few days at Oakley !




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You'll need all those Fendts horses on those trailers Julian. How many cubic meters will they carry?

Yeah Pat we decided on the 939s just because of the dealer ship backup and the pure exsistanse on the front to take all the weight and presence of the fligel ,as to cubic meters we reckon on between 50 &  70 cubic meters according to fligels website , these trailers will be mainly used in field operation as we will show hopefully in a post or twos time ! watch this space

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Also Julian,what did you use for the reflective tape along the bottom and on the top corners,??



Well joe to be honest this was Alex from oakleys brainchild , as we own 1 each Alex smartened them up by using a few extras and the reflective tape finishes them off nicely , all it is ,reflective commercial tape which you can buy in rolls and he just cut them down to scale !!

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