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What really annoyed you today

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no wonder I`d have been mad myself...................................oh hang on , I dont get overtime anyway as for days off ...WTF are they? still sucks tho ...........why do we have unions in the first place if they arent representing the interests of the members .................NFU a classic example...........

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Waking up at 4ish on autopilot and headin straight for the pan. Havn't had a wink of sleep since, cold, hot, shivers, sweats the bloody lot. Going to lose a days pay now and let my friend down because we were due to be working too far away from a toilet. Don't you just love having the squits?!

P.S I am awful tempered when I am ill. It's a well known fact.

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Waking up at 4ish on autopilot and headin straight for the pan. Havn't had a wink of sleep since, cold, hot, shivers, sweats the bloody lot. Going to lose a days pay now and let my friend down because we were due to be working too far away from a toilet. Don't you just love having the squits?!

P.S I am awful tempered when I am ill. It's a well known fact.

Tris i think thats to much info. for this time of the morning! :D :D :D :D but i can see it wouldnt be a pleasant day feeling ill like that :(

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Chuffin' tankers again..... >:( >:(. Just got one of our six wheelers in for a retest and it passed. Drove home feeling quite pleased thinking; at last we've got all four domestic tankers back on the road............and then...............I get a chuffin' phone call from Nick, who tells me that the flexible section of the pump pipework has sprung a leak.

    It didn't respond to tightening so I spoke to several of our parts suppliers about a replacement...........and the general reply was, "You'll have a hell of a job getting one of those, they are as rare as rocking horse poo".............'kin great innit.........blasted tankers. >:( >:( :(

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Well, It would have had a caved in backend if that was me wanting out. That bucket would have come over the fence and shoved it out the way. Park in a gateway or access that I want in and that`s what happens. I couldn`t care less about inconsiderate to$$ers >:(

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No that bit is the gap without concrete bollards ::) ::)
That is just shocking, the lack of common sence some people seem to carry leaves me speechless sometimes. Had similar with a plasterers van on a site a few weeks back, parked right on a corner opposite a heap of scalpings. . . Me in an artic. Bright Spark!!
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kinda been made redundant as they wanna close the office to cut costs.....only 3 of us here....bit confusing as its not the same as normal redundancy, kinda a sit it out type thing but there is the work and we are making money and the other manager doesnt want the design team to be broken up.....so we may be able to work from home......bit confused really :D :D :D :D :-\

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kinda been made redundant as they wanna close the office to cut costs.....only 3 of us here....bit confusing as its not the same as normal redundancy, kinda a sit it out type thing but there is the work and we are making money and the other manager doesnt want the design team to be broken up.....so we may be able to work from home......bit confused really :D :D :D :D :-\

Sounds like a soft way to let you down gently Ben  >:(:-[??? - find another job mate... then stick it out for your redundency money  ;)
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Sounds like a soft way to let you down gently Ben  >:(:-[??? - find another job mate... then stick it out for your redundency money  ;)

yeah its kinda confusing, have to wait until the usual letter situation happens, i'm sure i'll be ok :-\ :-\

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kinda been made redundant as they wanna close the office to cut costs.....only 3 of us here....bit confusing as its not the same as normal redundancy, kinda a sit it out type thing but there is the work and we are making money and the other manager doesnt want the design team to be broken up.....so we may be able to work from home......bit confused really :D :D :D :D :-\

sorry to hear that Ben, hope things workout for you

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